
sidestreets part three

space 2007rude boys 2007
Yes, today was another Sidestreets and Alleyways day...

I needed to head into town anyway for something else, so I figured while I was there I'd take my camera and wander around near where I did the last wander, but on the other side of Morphett Street/Hurtle Square.

city - even more south westOnce again I probably missed a bunch of streets, but I wandered between Gilbert Street and Gouger Street (actually I made it as far as Grote Street, which is one street further north, but only very briefly) at the north and south ends and Morphett Street at the east edge and almost to West Terrace at the, unsurprisingly, west end.

And because I wasn't that far away from the last area, it was still that weird mix of residential and commercial buildings, but there seemed to be more street art this time than last time.

Interestingly, like last time possibly the best street art was found down the end of little windy hidden sidestreets. Although I suppose that's not THAT surprising given that the street artists in question probably don't want to be seen while they're doing what they're doing. One of the pieces was the little blue guys (aka "The Rude Boys") up at the top, who, with their little wings and stubble and extreme underbites I think are actually really cute. But then that's me.

The "Space" shot was actually part of the sign on the outside of an architect's office... it actually said "human space", but I quite liked how it looked when it was cropped down like this.

I probably could have wandered around a while longer, maybe even gotten a couple of streets further over, but my camera battery gave up the ghost again (which I knew it was going to, since it's been flashing it's little battery icon at me since last weekend), so once it called it a day, so did I, and wandered off to the Central Markets to grab something to eat (and I also managed to find part of J's Christmas present that I've been looking for with no success for a while now, so I was quite happy about that).

I think when I do the next one of these I'm going to try a different corner of town... maybe something in the north west or even north east corners.

Current Mood:

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