And that's kinda why she got one (although it is only 30 x 30, whereas the other two are both 45 x 45).
This is the painting that Purple Rose was originally supposed to be... but I just like the cleaner look to this version, so I'm glad I started over. And because this wasn't "a request" I got to use colours I love... which is why it ended up grey, pink and white, since I have a soft spot for that colour combination... plus I always think it looks classy.
And the pink isn't blotchy, it actually has a couple of layers of "glitter paint" (which I think might really just be some kind of glue or "clear" paint with glitter in it) over the top of the pink. Although after a failed "experiment" on another canvas I need to remember that the glitter paint only looks good when it's the same colour as the paint underneath (I tried it over white... big, big mistake).
The "O" I made a stencil for, but the "LIVIA" is all done freehand, the same way I did the "PRINCESS" for her sister's painting. The title comes partly from The Color Purple (I can't place the exact spot, but there's a reference to "Oh-livia", with that particular stress on the "Oh") and partly because that's just how my brain has classified them... she's Miss Olivia, and her sister is Princess T.
I did go back and forth on Sunday night about whether or not to actually put "MISS" up in the top left corner (so much so that I called Ma to sound her out about it), but I actually think I like it better this way now. Interestingly enough, this is, I think, the first painting that has gone from my brain to the canvas without a whole lot of changes or substitutions or alterations (the false start notwithstanding)... when I originally thought this up, this is pretty much exactly the way I saw it.
My initial idea was perhaps that she could hang it on the door of her room, but I think possibly she's going to like it too much for that...
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