My brain is a little fried again this week... it's either from all the walking and the shopping or else from the fact that I woke up around 5am this morning when the bigass rainstorm rolled in (although I did kinda just go back to sleep for another hour or so)... and if it was enough to wake me up that means it was some REALLY loud rain!
Anyway, we did the usual supermarket thing as always (and ended up getting an extra big discount on things at Red Circle because the dopey girl that was serving us wasn't smart enough to work out that the 15% discount they had on everything in the store actually came off the total at the end of the process, so she gave us 15% off some DVDs, including the already reduced final season of The West Wing and the third season of Golden Girls, then we got 15% off the whole bill... bargain!) then we took off into the city.
The silly little army men were doing some random stupid thing at the Parade Ground place near where we usually get the 20c car parks, and for some reason they had all the roads around the place blocked off... silly little army men... we ended up doing a big lap around the block, then turned down one of the streets that had a temporary "No Left Turn" sign up... managed to find a car park pretty easily actually... higher up the hill than we would normally have parked too, which was good.
I stopped off to see Tink at my hairdressers because I'm getting that I need a haircut again, ended up booking in THREE appointments... one with a colour in a couple of weeks, one the weekend before Christmas just to tidy up (and the same day that Ma is getting her's cut), and then one the Saturday (with a colour) the weekend before we go to Sydney so I'm all spiffy for the Sydney men (*rolls eyes*)... I think quite possibly it's THE most organised that I've ever been haircut-wise possibly EVER. Scary!
We were going to go to Lush... because as I mentioned a while back, according to their website they were due to open in the middle of October. And... big fat nothing! The store is still boarded up and says it's "coming soon"... so no Lush for us...
Next we took in the new ginormous EzyDVD store further down the Mall... man that place is huge. I'm sure they have a heap more stuff than they used to, but I'm not sure that they have more than certain other places, if that makes sense... we did end up picking up a couple of things really cheap (one for "97c" in fact... although, really... you know that will just get rounded up to $1).
Other than that there was just a lot of pretty aimless wandering about... we had a little look here and a little look there, did a lot of looking at calendars for me... you know, the usual.
Actually I finally ended up making a decision on a calendar... I decided not to do the whole "online" thing this year... there wasn't actually anything I REALLY wanted, so I figured I'd just find something locally... maybe not have any "wardrobe calendars" this time around. And who knows, I might be able to pick up something cheap in March at the gay bookstore.
I'm also rather half-heartedly trying to make some sort of decision on a new fragrance, since the "free" bottle of What About Adam isn't going to last forever... I tried the other Joop! one on again, although I can't remember the name to save my life (Jump? Leap? Something active like that)... and it's okay, a little "talcum powdery" for my tastes I guess... as well as, I think Versace Man... but that doesn't smell like much of anything to be honest. Should I ask for a little "reader input"? What's your favourite fragrance?
After the city we headed out to Arndale, and actually did better down there than we did in town. We grabbed a few more DVDs on special at Big W (I foresee another DVD-themed Christmas on it's way), and something for my cousin... then got a free knife after we stood around watching this overly perky woman do her little spiel about those knives that they used to advertise on teevee that could cut through a can and then still cut a tomato. Basically if it hadn't been for the free knife, I wouldn't have bothered.
I also finally managed to find just the "right" bag dangle thing for the older of my cousin's girls... I was having one of those "I don't know what I want, but I'll know it when I see it"... and then there is was in one of those... well, I wanna say "hippie" stores, but I quite like said stores... they have a lot of the crystals and incense and buddhas and things.
And Ma found another handbag, thank god, so that should keep her happy for another couple of months.
That was about it really... it just lasted the whole day... a day well spent though I think...
Current Mood:

Did I read that right? You've booked a haircut for MARCH?
That is the most ridiculous case of ridiculously ridiculous organisation EVER! :P
Yeah, I know, it's horrible isn't it! But she was there, I was there, I'm gunna need a haircut before I come to Sydney, so why the hell not ;)
I promise to be less organised in a whole bunch of other stuff to make up for it!
March is a bit extreme, but it's hair. Gotta look your best.
I wear Gucci, or Armani. Not sure which scents from them as I never remember the lil details. But I didn't like the other Gucci, but liked the one I wear. That totally helps you, right?
Oh yeah, you're TONS of help ;P
I looked, it's Gucci Pour homme II. that's the one i like/wear. I thought the other one was stinky. That helps more... Don't ask about the Armani one. lol
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