
i feel like...

death warmed upDeath warmed up...

Seriously... I feel like crap...

I don't know if it's because I've been sleeping with the fans blowing all night and I got all chilled (although somewhere in the back of my brain I remember reading that being "chilled" doesn't actually mean you'll catch a cold)... or if it's just that time of year, or what... but I have something of a cold with a side order of nasty yucky throat.

Which possibly wouldn't be THAT bad (annoying, but manageable) if the weather wasn't all overheated and whatnot. So add the two things together and I'm equal party grumpy, uninspired and sick.

I only hope that it goes away before the weekend, because I've got WAY too much going on this weekend to feel like this all the way through it *sigh*...

That and I'm having a little difficulty stringing more than about two sentences together at a time...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Get well soon!

yani said...

Thanks Tom... I'm probably going out in search of some Codral later on this morning...

Stoopid overambitious immune system...