
random behaviour hotness

Bad behaviour that is!

Today's Random Hotness is from the Bad Behaviour 2008 calendar... and kind of goes along with yesterday being Halloween given the boys are playing dress-ups in the two shots I chose. Plus I can't resist a little 18th Century action...

bad behaviour - aprilbad behaviour - july

Current Mood: mmmmmm hotness


Anonymous said...

Mmm me likes. *off to buy it*

yani said...

Hehehe... we're going to get along famously...

I did think about buying it too actually, but even given that it's A3 size I thought the price was a little steep... plus I didn't like the shot for March that much, and I always judge a calendar by the image they use for my birthmonth ;)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm a libra, so me liked October muito muito! BUT! The stupid site wasn't working right and I couldn't buy it! I emailed them about it, but no response. Rude. Like my Canadian money isn't good enough.

Anonymous said...

Hi Johnnie, this is Travis, one of the photographers from the bad behaviour calendar. We've been having a bit of trouble with the site, so we apologise. If you email me at, (pls note: no c in shortblak) I will ensure we get a calendar to you, promise. Thanks for your kind words about it.
And for the record, I LOVE CANADIANS!!!
X Travis