I'm guessing it was a combination of the fact that it's still quite warm out in the world (although cooler than it has been in a few days and with a halfway decent breeze)... plus Ma had her hair appointment this morning, which just delayed everything by two hours (even though I was actually up and out of bed at around 5:45 this morning), which meant that the supermarket was full of stoopid people all going about their business while getting in my way at every turn and taking up space... so I liked that less.
Oh, before I forget... I worked out that the "incense" smell from yesterday really IS my hair... it seems like every time I get it wet it smells like the bleach stuff... which is just weird, and it's never happened before. Dry it's fine, but wet I have a whole "stinkyhead" thing going on. Weird. I might call Tink on Monday and just ask her about it.
So the whole food shopping thing was about the usual... I have a jam packed freezer yet again... although this time it's particularly because of the loaf of bread and the carton of Milo icecream (what... I told you, it's hot)... plus the carton of blueberries and possibly something else. Every time I kept thinking I couldn't possibly fit another thing in the freezer, I'd find one more thing that needed to go in there. Stoopid petite freezer full of leftovers and meat products...
During the usual wander through the Red Circle Boutique I decided to try on a couple of pairs of shorts, since they seemed to be on special... now, me and shorts usually doesn't work, and I certainly never wear them out in the world (my pasty white legs are actually the least of my problems)... for whatever reason I'm just not built for shorts. But today for some reason I was having a good shorts day... whether it was because the changeroom I went into was dimly lit, or because I was having a good day for shorts, I don't know... but out of four pairs I tried on, three actually weren't too bad. I only ended up getting one pair though something nice and basic and black (and fairly thin material, so they'll be good for Summer, even though they are black)... not that that really matters, because about the furthest out of the house I'd be wearing them would be to the mailbox...
After we'd come back here and I'd put everything away we decided to go into town because Ma had to find something for this birthday party thing she went to tonight... so we just kind of wandered around aimlessly for a while. We did managed to visit The Charity Card Shop (we tried a couple of weeks ago but it wasn't open on weekends at the time) which is always fun... and I just realised that Ma took the Virgin and Child card that I got for me away with her, so I'll have to text her a bit later and get her to bring it back again tomorrow.
We also wandered up to The Reject Shop to grab a couple of the three in one canvas packs they had going cheap. I bought one on Monday when I was in town (so my trip wasn't completely wasted since I couldn't get the thing I originally went in for), and we grabbed another two today. Not bad value at $10 for three...
And that was about it really... after that we came back here and Ma sorted out the present (and I did a little bit of quick drawing artwork on the inside of the otherwise blank card... okay, just the age of the birthday individual, but it was all pretty and pink and green and spotty) and then took herself off to wherever the hell it is this birthday thing is... all I know is that it was closer to my place than her place so it didn't make sense for her to go all the way home, then back out.
Current Mood:

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