
early morning headfcuk

headfcukGoddamit... it's too early in the freakin morning to have already had this much of a headfuck...

On top of which I appear to have "set fire" to my forehead... but more on that in a second.

Over the last couple of days I keep getting these little popup things telling me that I'm running out of diskspace. Which, when the first lot popped up, I didn't really think about... I mean, I know I only have a fairly small (as these things go) C drive, and that is where I keep all of the shots I take with my digital camera, so I figured that maybe I was running low on space.

So on Friday I went through and moved a truckload of the digital photos over to my external hard drive, figuring that would fix the problem... I had about 3 GB free, no worries. Then last night I got the same alert again... "Low Disk Space". I looked at how much space I had left... less than 100 MB... um... sorry... WHAT THE FUCK!

I just couldn't work it out... I had three gig... now all that was full? Please explain? So this morning I tinkered around to see if I could work out what the hell was going on. And it turns out that, for whatever reason, folders inside one of my Norton Antivirus's folders were just replicating themselves (they can't have been downloading, otherwise my ISP would have sent me messages telling me I was low on download space from them)... and not only that, they were replicating in the Windows Temp folder too... I didn't count how many were in the temp folder, but when I scribbled it down this morning, there were 258 additional folders that had been created since Friday morning in the Norton folder... 3.71 GB's worth. And it can't be a virus, because my virus checker ran yesterday and didn't find a single thing... or, you know, if it is, then it's a brand new virus that the software can't detect yet.

This, truly, is the very last thing I need.

So this morning I sent off an email to the folks at Norton, which could take as much as two days to get answered... and now I wait.

On the upside, at least J is back this week some time and I can always ask him about it.

In the meantime I just have to hope and pray that it doesn't keep doing it... and that I get a speedy (and positive and helpful) response from Norton.

Of course, all this meant that I just felt like crap... but I suddenly remembered that I had some peppermint essential oil, and that a certain blogger keeps mentioning it's benefits... so I got it out (actually I was kinda surprised it still smelled okay, since it's really, really old now) and sniffed it a bit to see if that would calm my stomach, that kind of thing... then I decided to do something that was possibly very stupid, and rubbed some on my forehead between my eyes.

First it was nice... well, except when I moved and peppermint fumes sort of wafted into my eyes a little... then as I was sitting here, the "burning" started... actually I kind still feel it, even though I've washed it off... it's that kind of "so cold it's hot" feeling. Very weird. And just shows you the kind of day I'm probably going to end up having.

It better improve before tonight though, because I have plans dammit... and I'm not about to call them off because the Universe has decided to use me as a punching bag...

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