I found this one when I was doing a Google search for my own blog (which doesn't show up in Google anymore for some weird reason, but that's a discussion for another day)... and I copy and pasted the meme, but forgot to make a note of where I found it... so thank you random yaniblog fan... whoever you were...
- Your oddest craving?
I don't think I ever have really odd cravings (all my cravings are pretty regular... something sweet, something savoury, something chocolate, something salty)... nothing like icecream and tomato sauce or anything (although I did see somewhere that the combination of melted icecream and sauce makes an authentic 60's prawn cocktail sauce, which is kinda scary)... about the only one I can think of is more childhood nostalgia than actual craving... a white bread sandwich with crisp, fresh iceberg lettuce and a little salt. I always used to love that when we came back from shopping and everything was very fresh.
- The forbidden food?
Forbidden as in? Things I'm allergic to? Actually there aren't any. Or just things I shouldn't buy/eat? Which is probably anything involving sugar or chocolate or grease.
- A dish that makes you queasy?
Tongue... the rank odour of pressed tongue from when I was a kid, first cooking for what seemed like hours and hours, filling the whole house with the hideous smell, and then cooling/congealing in the kitchen... I hated the smell of it, the look of it (food should not be GREY ever) and probably would have hated the taste of it, but I never stooped that low.
- Your least favorite vegetable?
It's a classic, but it's got to be brussell sprouts... I can handle just about anything else, but I've never liked sprouts. Maybe if they weren't boiled to within an inch of their tiny lives... stirfried maybe...
- Your worst cooking disaster?
Lord, let me get the list... I've had quite a few disasters through the years... "casseroles" that were just nasty and went directly from saucepan to bin... pancake batter Ludo and I made with self raising flour instead of plain which tried to rise in the pan and turned to absolute snot (although, I kind of managed to save that one by adding more and more and more and more flour and kind of turned it into a cake... an overly moist and "slightly collapsed in the middle" cake, but still a cake of sorts)... but one of the things I made that actually didn't become what it was supposed to be was peppermint creams. They had a grand total of, I think, three ingredients (icing sugar, egg white and water), but I put way too much water (or egg white, I can't remember now) in them and they just never set the way they were supposed to.
- A cooking exercise you don't do well?
Washing up... no, seriously, it would be cooking steak... I just can't do "quick cooked red meat" for some reason... it either ends up "greyish" (see question 3 for reasons that that is bad), or rubbery or whatever.
- Food that arouses the most suspicion?
Pretty much anything that falls under the general heading of "internal organs".
- A drink you used to drink but no more?
There really isn't anything that I used to drink that I've now sworn off completely... there's stuff like coffee and tea that I don't drink very often, but they're still on the drinkable list...
- Least favorite fast food chain?
That would probably be a tie between Barnacle Bill's and Red Rooster... the later mostly because their ads annoy me, but with both of them because I'm not big on the way any of their food looks.
- When in doubt, eat...
Chocolate... or pasta... or chicken... just not all at once you understand.
- A restaurant faux pas that would get you to speak up?
Probably just bad service, things taking way too long, that sort of thing... unless they brought out completely the wrong meal, then they'd know about it. But I'm not precious about the way things are cooked or anything (so long as they ARE cooked).
- Is there something spoiled in the fridge right now?
I'm not sure... there's probably some leftover tomato that's a little squishy around the edges... but on the flip side of that the thermonuclear apples I've had in the crisper for WEEKS are kind of scaring me, because I haven't seen the slightest sign that they're going bad...
- Food you won't allow in the house.
Well, since I'm both the Food Purchasing Officer and the Cuisine Preperation Unit and the Primary Consumer, if I don't want something, it never even comes near the house. I'd probably say that without a shadow of a doubt peanut butter is never setting foot in this house ever again... unless I happened to need it for cooking something, but even then it's not likely.
- Your least favorite type of cuisine?
I keep saying that I don't like Thai food... but I'm not really sure there's any actual reasoning behind that, other than the fact that I've always said it (that and I don't like peanut sauce on things)... I used to say it was because I didn't like coconut milk, but I quite like it now. It would probably have to be Mexican if I thought about it though... not because I don't like it, but just that it's always disappointing... too heavy and lacking in any kind of actual salad or vegetable or whatever.
- A food you hated as a child but now love?
There's probably a few in this category... I grew up on a very "English" diet... roasts, boiled veg, the occasional casserole, that sort of thing... but maybe a lot of that stuff is just things that I hadn't tried yet. One thing I do know that I experienced as a kid, but only really started liking recently was dark chocolate. Always used to hate it, but now I love it.
Current Mood:
As I read this I just happened to be digging a teaspoon into a jar of extra crunchy peanut butter...
But totally agree with the "when in doubt" choices.
You sicken me (just a little bit...) :P
I actually had one of those revulsion shivers go all down my body after I read that... just thinking about it... urgh...
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