
montage monday: backstreets two

backstreets twoYet another page from both the Book of Monday Montage AND the Book of Backstreets and Alleyways... and because I like some of these shots a lot, there will be some that will be making a reappearance as larger versions later (actually the top right shot was already featured on Friday).

I'm not sure there's really a whole lot to muse about actually... pretty much all the "exciting" stuff happened on Saturday, and I spent around half the day yesterday painting...

In the realm of General Weirdness... the next door neighbour who I spoke to on Wednesday during the manhandling of Hard Rubbish, decided on Friday night to put up at least part of his Christmas decorations... which would be fine, if not a little early, were it not for the fact that the "decoration" in question is a reasonably huge (as these things go) light-up, flashing Santa in sleigh with two reindeer (who's legs appear to move, hence where the flashing part comes in)... and from where it's hanging, it pretty much shines straight into my bedroom windows. I was having a little bit of a persecution complex on Friday night, so it was just one more thing that was going on in the world that was designed to make me insane... especially if it had stayed on the whole night (which it could have had I not mentioned to said neighbour about the flashing light on his alarm system and how annoying that was), but luckily it seems to go off at some point between 10:45 and 11:00... but I haven't worked out if it's on a timer, or if they just switch it off when they go to bed. If it is on a timer, and I can catch said neighbour to ask him, I might ask if he can move the time up to about 10:30, which is my bedtime (in theory anyway).

Actually, to be perfectly honest, even though it's a highly tacky piece of crap (and a month too early), it's starting to grow on me a little... but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

And while we're on the subject of my removal of Hard Rubbish... a couple of things... firstly, I ended up with the strangest set of bruises on my right arm the day after... two little round ones around the back of my bicep, and a spray of really tiny things just inside my elbow that would have looked like insect bites if I hadn't known they were bruises. Very odd.

Secondly... dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb neighbours... after I'd busted my balls in the morning (and a large portion of the stuff that I'd put out there had already been lifted by the Seagull Patrol), Dufus from upstairs called the landlord who came around and they proceeded to find a bunch of NEW stuff to take out to the curb (although whether they would have bothered moving anything at all if I hadn't already lined the nature strip with junk is anybody's guess). Now I have NO idea where the hell this stuff came from... I know there's a little store room out the back, but there seemed to be way too much stuff that I wouldn't have thought would have fitted in there... but the nice men came and hauled it all off to wherever the hell they haul it off to on Thursday morning... but then I went into the car park around the back yesterday... there's a DIFFERENT mattress and base sitting around there in the same spot as the three I moved.


Speaking of dumb... I mentioned on Friday that my blog doesn't show up in Google anymore... if you put "yaniblog" into Google, you don't get my blog come up ANYWHERE. You do get the somewhat disturbingly long list of 15000 results for that phrase, the majority of which (at least on the first several pages) seem to be links to my blog... but nothing that actually points here. And when I tried the whole "site: URL" thing, nothing! (well, not NOTHING, I still get four responses, but none of them are this site)... so I don't quite know what the hell is going on. I suspected maybe something was up when I stopped getting so many weird search terms showing up in my stats (or anything at all really), but I figured it was just a drop off in people visiting. Now as far as I know I haven't changed or altered any of the settings on my blog to stop it being searched on... in fact, I couldn't even FIND an option for that when I looked... and I tried resubmitting my blog to the search thing on Google, but it doesn't seem to have helped.

*waves to Google search programs* Hello! Over here, hello, can you see me? I'm still breathing and stuff... honest!

And it's a good thing that I don't ever start showing random symptoms for a variety of possible illnesses, because I think I could quite easily turn into a hypochondriac... late last week I discovered that there was a little sore spot next to my lip... which over the weekend turned into kind of scab (probably because I kept fiddling with it), so I became convinced that it was a cold sore. Now, I've never in my life HAD a cold sore, so technically I wouldn't know one if it came up and bit me in the butt (except that doesn't seem to be one of the ways you can get them)... and of course, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing...

"Around 90 per cent of adults have herpes simplex antibodies in their bloodstream, which means that they have been infected with the virus at some time. However, the first (or primary) infection does not usually cause any symptoms"... well at least that's a bonus, nothing potentially slutty I've done recently caused it...

"Primary Infection Symptoms include: Fever, tiredness, pain inside the mouth and on the gums, a sore throat, swollen neck glands"... great, so how do I distinguish that from either dental issues, or the semi-annual bouts of what I've always assumed were something to do with my tonsils...

"Triggers: Sunlight, exposure to windy conditions, emotional or physical stress"... yes, well I've been getting more than enough sun lately, it has been a bit windy, and hello, stress...

"Avoid: Close contact (such as kissing and hugging) with newborn and young babies"... oh great, what was one of the first things I did when I met Sheba's adorable SCN3... there was some baby foot-kissing... so now I feel like a schmuck...

Although the website did say that "cold sores are blisters around the mouth and nose, caused by the herpes simplex virus"... and what I have doesn't actually seem to be a BLISTER... and it's kinda fading a bit now...

So it's either a cold sore, or else I just burned the sensitive skin around my mouth with the thermonuclear tomato on the overly cheesy pizza I made myself last Thursday...

It's Feast Festival time here in Adelaide again... they really needed to make that sound gayer somehow... it doesn't sound like a gay festival, it sounds like a food thing (and really, is it me, or could their website BE any slower!). Anyway, the parade was on Saturday night, but even if I'd been planning to go, I'd had too much happen already on Saturday to decide to reemerge onto the scene...

There isn't really much of anything that I'm interested in doing or seeing to be honest... I did briefly consider going to one of the forums, specifically the one on body image... but when you've read the full description and realise that you've either slept with or know half of the male panelists (there are only four of them in total, so it's not as bad as it sounds) and you know that both of them have an "ideal" body shape in it's own niche... you kind of lose interest in that too...

Yeah, I know, that sounded childish to me too...

So yeah... other than two unsuccessful attempt to make a shrinky dink (remember back in the day when you could make them yourself out of chip packets?) out of the label from my big Iced Coffee bottles (one attempt was too hot and left in too long and came out all shriveled and brown... the other was way too low and didn't do a thing), that's about all the things that are rambling around my head at present...

Now I need to decide between having some lunch or going into town briefly since I don't know if I'll have time on Friday... I'm thinking maybe town, since it's only going to get hotter during the week...

Current Mood:

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