
painting: princess

As I mentioned in my current mood alt text earlier today, I started the day with pale blue paint on the side of my hand, but very happy and appropriately creative...

I started painting again last night, not my great big grand enormous canvas, but something else. I haven't painted anything since December last year, partly because I didn't have anything particularly running around in my brain screaming to be painted, and partly because I'd really run out of people to give paintings to. I mean I don't have the room here to just generate stuff without an idea about where it's going to end up.

It all started after the other week when Ma was at my cousin's place for the birthday of one of her daughters and I happened to call Ma (why I can't remember right now... possibly something on the teevee, I dunno) while she was there, which of course must have brought my name up in conversation, and probably got them talking about the canvas I did for them collectively last year.

Next thing I know Ma has called me back to say that Princess T (the eldest and the birthday girl) wanted me to do her a painting for Christmas... she didn't care what it was, so long as it was bright. She also rattled off four colours off the top of her head (blue, orange, yellow and pink), which I dutifully scribbled down on a nearby bit of paper.

Then when I saw Ma later (or maybe she called me after she got home, I don't remember) she said that my cousin also wanted another canvas... "something green and pink"...

I think at some point I kinda just banged my head on the wall a bit... I mean I occasionally have enough trouble coming up with ideas without being commissioned with a vague coloured request.

Ma and I were talking about it on Saturday and I was saying that I had some ideas but nothing, you know, concrete... plus I'm extra twitchy about the big canvas because I don't want to screw it up given the size... but Ma said "just paint something"... which was a good point, since it's worked with other things in the past... you just start writing or creating or whatever and it unstops the blockage.

I had some "spare" canvases (that we'd picked up at some point because they were cheap) tucked behind the bookcases, so I got two of the big ones and one of the smaller ones out just to see if they would spark off any ideas.

The canvases themselves didn't... but scarily enough, watching Better Homes and Gardens yesterday afternoon did... two ideas actually... god bless you and your scary artistic ideas Tara Dennis!

So last night I got all inspired and got out my painting supplies, strapped up one of the large canvases with masking tape and mixed up some colours.

Think it qualifies for "bright"?

The text I added this morning... and it's actually half of an earlier idea I'd had, since Princess T is in fact a princess... and who better to label somebody a princess than a queen? *grin*

Originally I was going to put a butterfly or something in the top left corner, but every time I tried to paint anything for that spot on a spare bit of paper none of it came out right, so I chucked the idea in. It also means that she can hang it with the text on the left or the bottom or the right without it looking like it's "upside down".

It's not bad though... and it kind of gave me another idea of what I can do with my enormous canvas... I just need to get some better masking tape.

Okay, now I'm off to finish watching Mannequin (so very 1987... love those fashions... but still fab!)...

Current Mood:

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