
painting: twenty first

twenty first 2007This is the last of my half finished paintings... and it's for J's sister's 21st. I asked J a while back what B's (yes, I know her name is on the painting, but we're just going to stick with this initial thing okay) favourite colours were... but he's fairly useless when it comes to those things, and I got the half hearted answer of pink... followed by the fact that she'd painted her bedroom purple... so pink and purple is was.

Two shades of purple, three shades of pink, some glitter paint (the same stuff I used on Miss Oh Livia) and some white and silver, and voila! This was the painting where I'd originally put the pink glitter paint over the white circle... but it just didn't work... whether it was because you could see each individual little grain of glitter, and see how it all clumped up together, or what, I don't know... but I ended up painting over it, which was something of a chore in itself, since whatever the "paint" is that binds the whole thing together (I actually think it's glue given that it's clear and dries that way), once you put more paint over the top of it, it sucks up all the moisture in the liquid and makes it really thick. But I got there in the end.

Not bad all in all actually... and you can't say that I don't give unique presents (not that this is her only pressie... I also got her one of the Whatever It Takes mugs).

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