
twenty questions

I nabbed this one from Muzbot this morning...

  1. Who do you think you are?
    "Some kind of superstar... you've got to swing it, shake it, move it, make it, who do you think you are"... sorry, I was chanelling The Spice Girls for a second there... but seriously, I have no idea who the hell I am... why don't YOU tell me who you think I am?

  2. What turns you on?
    Accidentally revealed flesh (especially lower belly or the small of the back) and kissing.

  3. What is your favorite word?
    As I said to somebody online yesterday, I always like the word "bugger"... I like the way it feels in your mouth when you say it (and you can take that as dirtily or as cleanly as you like).

  4. What sound or noise do you love?
    Rain on the roof (or, more appropriately, since I live in a ground floor unit, on the window and other people's rooves) and/or thunder.

  5. Have you driven anyone insane?
    Oh hell yes... of this I have NO doubt.

  6. What should everyone shut up about?
    Sport, the election (but that will all be over bar the crying and complaining come Sunday) and what celebrity is doing what to whom with which body part.

  7. What advice should you have taken, but did not?
    I can't think of any advice that I actually chose not to take, as much as stuff I COULDN'T take for whatever reason... and the top of the list would have to be "You should really find a bigger apartment".

  8. What do you fear most?
    The unknown.

  9. How would you like to die?
    Quickly and painlessly.

  10. What is your earliest memory?
    I'm not sure really... partly because I sometimes have trouble seperating out what's actually a memory and what's a story I've been told over and over and over with or without photographic reinforcement. Nothing really stands out though.

  11. Do you collect anything?
    Yes... collections, and dust. I don't really collect any one thing, but I do seem to just amass THINGS... books, DVDS, random bits and pieces.

  12. What is your worst addiction?
    Food. Possibly followed by the internet.

  13. Who would you have liked to be?
    Other than somebody wealthy, beautiful and stupidly well hung, no actual names spring to mind.

  14. What did your last text message say that you received?
    Ummm... I don't think I kept it, but it was something about "we're all up and organised and if you can come over that would be good" or something from Sheeba yesterday.

  15. What was your proudest moment?
    Again, nothing really springs to mind, except possibly when I bought my red sofa, since it was the first time I'd actually bought furniture... but that just seems a little tragic when I write it down.

  16. What was your last lie?
    "I don't remember where I was, I think it was in a shop."

  17. What is your biggest challenge?
    Probably myself...

  18. Who's underrated/overrated?
    Underrated: It's really annoying because half my answers seem to be "I can't think of an answer for this"... but this is another one. I can't think of a "who" that's underrated at this precise moment.
    Overrated: The entire AFL industry

  19. What is your most treasured possession?
    My cameras and photographs.

  20. What do your parent think of what you are doing?
    What, you mean right now? For the most part Ma's okay with what I do and/or don't do... although not so much with the whole lack of job situation, but then I'm not real thrilled about that either.

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