
painting: delicate

delicate 2007This is my other "painting by request"... at the same time that Princess T requested her painting, my cousin also said to Ma that they'd "take anything he's got"... see, this is what you get when you do something nice... *grin*.

Anyway, her vague request was "something pink and green" (I'm so overdoing the quote marks today for some reason)... so something vague and pink and green (with some white and gold mixed in, since I know she has a thing about the gold) she got... or will be getting... or whatever.

I really love the background on this... the blended pink/white/green thing (which is the other idea that I stole from the Better Homes wench... at least partially)... it worked out exactly how I saw it in my head. The stylised blossom things... not so much. It's the curse of my inability to paint "stuff that looks like stuff"! The thought in my head was very stylised and "Japanese" and elegant and whatever... and I'm not quite sure it translated onto the canvas. And you can't really see the three little gold dots inside of each of the pink "blossoms" in the photo... but they show up nicely when the light hits them just right.

My inability to paint not only a "straight" line, but also a line that extends very far without running out of paint bugs me... but then, maybe that's what happens in painting... who knows. And I don't like these slimmer-line canvases as much as the ones I've been using before which have a much thicker "edge" to them... they had a definite sharp angle where the top became the sides of the canvas, these have more of a slope, so the "pale gold" edging I put around this one kind of leaked up the edge in a few spots because it didn't have a sharp edge.

Not to mention the fact that I'll have to remember in future that if you mix gold paint and white paint you get beige paint, not pale gold. Okay, it's a little bit pale gold, but mostly it's beige.

I know it sounds like I'm whinging... and yeah, I am a bit... but overall I don't think it's too bad. It just didn't come out the way it looked in my head... but that's always been my problem with painting and drawing... good vision, lousy ability.

Current Mood:


Tom said...

I think it's really nice - I definitely thought it had a japanese feel to it before I read that that was what you were after, so I think it's come off well.

Still love my "Tom" painting. Waiting for you to become famous so I can flog it for a gazillion dollars! :P

yani said...

Yeah, I'm just overly critical... Ma liked it too, and I'm sure my cousin will love it, so that's all that matters really.

And so long as you're not holding your breath for the whole famous thing, you'll be right ;).