
take me now lord...

.... death would be promotion...

Okay, so not only do I currently feel like 103 different types of shit... but the dumbass alarm on the house next door, which seems to go off every time there's any kind of high wind, just set itself off...

It did this the day before New Years too... and because the dumbass family was away for several days I had to put up with the stupid blue flashing light on the alarm very night until they got back... From memory, last time the alarm must have gone off for about five minutes before it finally reset itself... I SO do not need this today... I just don't...

Ahhhh... it just reset... thank god...

Like I was saying, I so don't need this today... my ongoing dental issues, which reared their head again at New Years have come back to bite me in the bum with avengance... and since some point last night I've had this relatively minor but constant pain in my jaw... and for whatever reason, my beloved Nurofen aren't doing squat... so it looks like I'm off to the dentist come Monday morning...

And I went up to Ma's today to help her put the Christmas tree away... not so much fun when you can't really concentrate on anything... and because I'd overslept a little bit and wasn't feeling all there, the drive up was an experience... since I kind of felt detached from everything that was going on around me... luckily it was around 8am, so the roads weren't that busy. It's not like I was driving dangerously or anything... I was just a little out of it...

It was also a little bit of a trial going out shopping... especially when it got to the point where I was just starting to feel kinda nauseous from the ongoing pain...

I'm also sure I much less fun company than usual, since I don't think I cracked a smile for the majority of the day...

On the upside, at least the weather is cooler... or cooling down anyway...

Oh, the I can't take credit for the post title/first line... it's a quote from Press Gang... one of my favourites...

Current Mood:


Sunshine said...

Awww :S Hope you're feeling at least a wee bit better. :(

Tom said...

Doesn't sound good... hope you perk up tomorrow!

Have you tried swilling some soluble pain killers round your mouth (Disprin if it exists in Aus)? I found that helped but I had a gummy/abscessy thing rather than a toothy cavity thing...

yani said...

Thanks boys... I am feeling better actually... it kind of faded away late Saturday night... so I'm just hoping it stays faded for the time being... I still need to go to the dentist, but at least it's not a mad panic for first thing Monday morning...