
walking: two years on

walkingToday officially marks two years since I made the decision to take myself for a walk...

That's 522 walking days (well, minus the grand total of two days that I've chosen, or been forced, to not walk... so technically 520 days)... and somewhere between maybe 600 and 700 actual walking hours (yes, I know, too much time on my hands and access to a calculator).

It's just what I do now... I get up, I put my gear on, I walk, I come home...

Even when I had to rearrange my routine when I was working (interestingly enough though, my routine now isn't much different timing wise, it's just that it's much lighter much earlier, and not at bitterly cold in the mornings), it wasn't that much of a drama.

Granted some days are better than others... my neck is still playing up this morning, so that was an exercise in frustration during my walk... but other days it's all perfect... perfect temperature, perfect lighting, perfect music on the radio, everything.

It's nice to just BE once I get out there... with the music playing and the route I don't even need to think about anymore... I wouldn't say it clears my head out, since I don't know that I really do a whole lot of thinking on my walks... the music gives my brain something to do while my body just gets on with business for the most part. It's more about just existing in the moment than anything else.

Of course, the difference between now and this time last year is that I'm walking a completely different route. I enjoy walking down by the river... partly because it's one long linear walk (no pun intended, since it's actually part of the Linear Park route), rather than just feeling like I was doubling and tripling back on myself previously.

And as both an upside and a downside I see more people down by the river than I used to threading my way around the houses... whether they're runners or walkers like me... or rowers... or even the boot camp idiots... doubly so on the day every fortnight when they're running the Corporate Cup down there (which at some point I'm going to compete in... soon as I'm working somewhere long enough, or just at the right time). Which is actually kinda nice... except for when I get overtaken by other walkers, especially the ones older than me, that's not always good.

I'll be honest, I think as far as the whole "weight loss through walking" thing is going, I've hit a plateau... but that could just be a combination of it having been Winter and hitting a natural plateau, I don't know. Or maybe it's because I'm not really regulating my food the way I once was (or for that matter making sure I'm drinking the appropriate amount of water... which kinda fell apart after I finished working). But I'll just have to kick it back into gear again and see what happens.

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Tom said...

Good for you for keeping at it. :) It's pretty amazing you've only missed a couple of days in 2 years!

Tom said...

^^^ Oops, on rereading this came off as a bit patronising... it wasn't the intention... more admiration... I'm useless at keeping to routines! :)

yani said...

Not a worry Tom, I didn't read it as patronising at all, honest...

I'm pretty amazed I've only missed a couple of days myself... I think it's probably because I take weekends "off" (although sometimes the amount of walking I've actually done on a weekend far outstrips what I would do on a weekday)... gives me that break so I don't need to skip other days.