
unconscious mutterings 246

I had a really good intro line for today's Unconscious Mutterings... I thought it up while I was on my walk... but by the time I got home again I couldn't remember what it was... so instead, here's the mutterings...

  1. Las Vegas :: Viva

  2. Linus :: Peanuts

  3. Struck :: Down

  4. Movie :: Review

  5. Anxious :: Nervous Nelly

  6. Bandit :: BMX

  7. Picks :: and Mixs

  8. Lasso :: Rope

  9. Dinner :: Bell

  10. Bargain :: Hunt
One movie reference, one teevee reference, one comic reference and one song reference... can you tell I'm all about the pop culture or what!

Current Mood:

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