- What are you reading?
Currently that would be The Dreyfus Affair... a big gay love story about baseball. I've nearly finished it though... and I have no idea what's going to take it's place once I'm done. - What is the book that changed your life?
I answered this in another meme once before... and I think the answer is still fairly valid... but if you expand it out a bit, I'd have to say that there are three books really... my original answer of the first Elfquest graphic novel, Fire and Flight, still holds true... as well as Katherine Kerr's Daggerspell and then Caught Between Two Worlds (or, to be more precise, the third book that went into making up the special edition of CBTW, True and Lies in the Age) by Scott Russell Hill... pretty much for the reasons I've already explained on two different occasions... - What is your most over-rated book?
Oh, that would be a little work on Chaos Theory I penned a few years ago... sorry... what was that? OH! The most over-rated book I've READ... that would have to be The Da Vinci Code... it's okay, but it's not all that... and given how many plot holes and screw-ups are in some of his other work, I'd have to take everything he writes with a grain of salt.
And just for the record, I was joking about the Chaos Theory thing... trying to make fun of the somewhat badly worded question... - What is the best film adaptation you've seen of a book?
Sadly I don't automatically get a long list of movies springing to mind for this one like I do with the next question... which kind of says something about Hollywood's inability to make a decent adaptation from a book. I'm also undecided whether the "best" adaptation would be the one what sticks closest to the original book, or the one that gets rid of all the extraneous crap and leaves you with a good movie. I think we'll go with a tie between Memoirs of a Geisha and Dangerous Liaisons. - What is the worst film adaptation you've seen of a book?
Although there are probably a lot that I could list here, I'm going to have to go with another tie, this time between Eragon and Howl's Moving Castle. Pretty much for the reasons I outlined in my reviews after I saw them. - What is your earliest memory of books?
That would probably be the Noddy books... I had, and still have somewhere, the full original set of books. Actually, I would say that a lot of Enid Blyton's work features in my earliest memories of books. - Where do you read?
Where don't I read! I'll read in bed, in the bathroom, on the sofa, outside, at work, wherever. - How do you choose what you read?
By whatever interests me at the time I guess... I'm as likely to grab something off the shelf that I've read a bunch of times than I am to get something brand new. As far as subject matter goes, I have a fondness for fantasy and sci-fi books... books with humour... vampire books... historical fiction of a vaguely Asian bent... and the occasional biography. - What fictional character would you most like to be?
Hmmm... that's an interesting one. I think it would probably have to one of the guys from Mel Keegan's Aquamarine... it wouldn't necessarily have to be either of the main characters... but if it was I'd go with Eric.
Current Mood:

Hmmm... why is it called the Dreyfus Affair? The original Dreyfus Affair was a scandal in early 20th Century France about a Jewish artillery officer in the French army who was falsly accused of passing military secrets to the Germans. Not much to do with some random basball player! ;)
And did you really write a book on chaos theory? Cool! But why no link to amazon!? :)
It's called The Dreyfus Affair because the main character is called Randy Dreyfus... and he has an affair with his secondbaseman... dur! :P
And no, I didn't write a book on Chaos Theory... that would be what we call A JOKE! :P
Dreyfus Affair is one of my favorite books. I read it about 10 years ago.
And read everything else Peter Lefcourt has written since. Dreyfus is still the best in my opinion. Maybe because I identify.
Hope you enjoy it~
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