- Taken a picture completely naked? Yes indeed.
- Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page? Don't do FaceSpace or Mybook, so no.
- Danced in front of your mirror naked? Dance, mirror, naked... these are three words that should never be put in a sentance together... so, no.
- Told a lie? Oh hell yes.
- Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Almost contantly!
- Been arrested? Yes.
- Made out with someone of the same sex? Is this one of those trick questions? Yes, yes I have! I've also made out with somebody of the OPPOSITE sex, which is actually the more shocking and interesting.
- Seen someone die? No.
- Slept in until 5pm? Possibly in my youth, but I can't think of a specific example... so maybe not.
- Had sex at work? Er, no.
- Fallen asleep at work/school? Now this I've done... not fully all the way asleep... but that thing where you're pretending to be doing something and your head gets heavy and you get the sleeping nods... that I've done.
- Held a snake? Not that I can remember.
- Ran a red light? Who hasn't?
- Been suspended from school? No... I was a good little nerd.
- Totaled your car in an accident? No.
- Pole danced? Don't have the upper body strength for that.
- Smoked? Maybe a half dozen times.
- Been fired from a job? Yep. Totally my fault too.
- Sang karaoke? No.
- Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? On a semi-irregular ongoing basis.
- Laughed until a drink came out your nose? You know, I don't think I have.
- Caught a snowflake on your tongue? I've never seen snow live and in person, so no.
- Kissed in the rain? If I did, it wasn't overly memorable. So probably no. I've kissed in the shower thought.
- Sang in the shower? Sure!
- Given your private parts a nickname? He has been referred to as "Elvis" on a couple of occasions (as in "Elvis has left the building")
- Ever gone out without underwear? Yep.
- Sat on a roof top? I may have done at some point... but I can't say for certain.
- Played chicken? Nope.
- Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No.
- Broken a bone? Popped one? I broke my left forearm... and I popped the joint in my right shoulder on three seperate occasions before I had a shoulder reconstruction (see, you thought I was going to be filthy with that whole "popped a bone" thing didn't you)
- Mooned/flashed someone?No.
- Shaved your head? Yep, back in the late nineties.
- Slept naked? On occasion.
- Played a prank on someone?Nothing grand with lots of planning and a big humourous conclusion, no.
- Had a gym membership? Yep.
- Felt like killing someone? Oh god yes.
- Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Nup.
- Cried over someone you were in love with? Can't say that I have, no.
- Had sex more than 10 times in one day? Not ten times.
- Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No.
- Been in a band? No real musical talent here...
- Subscribed to Maxim? I've never subscribed to any magazine, and even if I had it wouldn't be a T&A mag like that.
- Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?Overall, yes... at the one time, no.
- Shot a gun? Nope.
- Had sex today? It only counts as sex if there's somebody else there, right?
- Played strip poker? Big no.
- Tripped on mushrooms? That would have to be one big mushroom to cause a tripping hazard! Seriously though... no.
- Donated blood? Yep, before I started having sex with the mens and the Red Cross didn't want my blood any more... fooey on them!
- Videotaped yourself having sex? No.
- Eaten alligator meat? Frog legs? No, and no. I have had kangaroo thought... and possibly emu.
- Ever jump out of an airplane? Thankfully no.
- Have you been to more than 10 countries?I haven't been to more than 1 countries...
- Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend? Oh hell yes... but you get over it eventually.
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