
bad bad monday

mondays suckYesterday just felt like one big, long, ongoing fuckup...

So much so that instead of blogging about it I just threw in the towel and gave up on everything and figured I would just try again today.

It wasn't really... not after about lunchtime, it just felt that way...

To start with, due partially to the whole Daylight Savings "losing an hour" fiasco... as well, I will admit, as not going to bed before midnight on both Saturday (well, maybe it was technically 11pm, since you know, Daylight Savings again) and Sunday... I shut my alarm off when it first went off and just went back to bed for a bit. So I ended up getting up about half an hour late for my walk...

Which doesn't sound like much of a drama... but it just kind of set the tone for the rest of the day.

Then while I was checking my blogroll I got a virus warning... and I actually got the same virus warning on Sunday, but the system caught it so I wasn't that worried. But because it happened twice I figured I should probably investigate. Checked out what the virus checker website had to say about it... followed the instructions to the letter... had to switch things off, start the computer in "Safe Mode" and run a system scan... now I don't know about anybody else, but when I have to run a virus scan thing like that it just takes FOR-EV-ER! An hour and a half in fact... all the while I sat here twiddling my thumbs waiting for it to find something. Which it didn't... but I followed the rest of the instructions... deleted the temp files and the internet cache... rebooted, reconnected, started rechecking my blogroll again... BAM! Same virus came up again. But again the software caught it.

The only thing I can think is that it has to be coming from somebody on my blogroll (which is looking even more likely because so far this morning... nothing... plus the fact that it's only ever happened when I've been in the midst of my blogroll)... I have my suspicions, but I'm not going to name and shame anybody until I'm sure... if you get an email addressed from me titled "check for viruses" then you know you're in trouble...

Anyway... by that point I was kind of just over everything... was over an hour "late" for lunch... and just ended up with a big ol' sad going on for the rest of the day.

I really HATE when my computer comes down with something... even if it's not (or doesn't seem) fatal or whatever... I just end up feeling somewhere between a low level of underlying panic and a slight amount of depression because I can't fix it. And I'm not a fan of either of those emotions, let alone the pair of them.

Oh, and to round out my day, Mythbusters was a repeat for no reason... okay, that's kinda down there on the list of "Possible Horrible Things", but given how I was feeling yesterday, it was the imperfect end to the imperfect day...

In contract, today has been... well... thus far anyway... kinda weird. Not bad... I dunno... just kinda strange.

Got up when my alarm went off, so that was okay... checked my letterbox on the way out as I usually do (just in case it's crammed full of junk mail or anything), and there was the stupid dumbass flyer for my street's annual Christmas Party, which I wouldn't have a problem with were it not for the fact that they hold it on the grass verge right outside my bedroom window. The flyer is possibly a little early this year, but other than that it's okay...

There just seemed to be a LOT of people around this morning... whether it was because I was a bit later yesterday... or whether Tuesday is a busier day than Monday and I've just never really noticed it before... I dunno...

As I hit the river path near the Zoo (I on clockwise rotation this week) I went past one of my old gym instructors who also, it seems, does a sideline in personal training. Seeing him in and of itself wasn't a surprise... I've had run-ins with him before... and I've seen him doing his personal training gig at least once before. It was more the fact that because I wasn't wearing my sunglasses he actually noticed that I made eye contact with him, although neither of us nodded or anything else... but just as he was about to cross out of my field of vision I saw a ghost of a smile start on his face... I don't know whether it was just an "I know you" smile... or what... it was just odd.

The other really weird thing happened at the other end of the river... as I was coming up to the weir this guy (actually he was one of two guys) with a clipboard started to approach me. I'd seen him standing there as I was approaching and was just thinking to myself "Whatever you're doing or selling or asking, just leave me alone"... I had half a mind to ignore him as he got closer, but he seemed very earnest about the whole thing, so I took out my earphone and instead of the conversation I thought I was going to have he just said "Can you just wait here for a minute, we're filming somebody coming over the bridge?"...

I'm sorry... what now? But sure enough, there as a camera just down this little side path. So I stood there, like a schmuck... and he stopped these two other people... but people were still coming from the other direction (nice forward planning there boys) and in the end, they just let us go across. As I was heading across I couldn't actually see anybody that looked like "an actor"... just some dude on a bike... who, as he rode past me, I realised was actually director, Scott Hicks. So god only knows what the hell that was all about... I'm guessing it was probably for something like Talking Heads... although if Scott Hicks does avidly cycle down by the Torrens he doesn't do it on weekdays, or the same time that I'm doing it anyway, because you would have thought at some point I would have noticed.

And now I'm just waiting, as they say, for the other shoe to drop... to see if this virus issue is actually solved, if it shows up again, if it's actually caused by one of my daily blog visits... or if something else is going to drop out of the sky instead...

Current Mood:

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