
long live the queen... or not

two queensQueen Emma finally got thrown out of the Big Brother house... thank you Australia!

And with 76% of the combined vote... I think possibly only BB3's Jo (who got kicked out with, from memory, 86% of the vote) was more disliked (or just voted out with a higher percentage, whatever)... maybe it's the "blonde from Adelaide" thing (well, Emma used to be from here, but we can play that one down)...

Seriously, she should have been out at the first eviction, but with this whole new power that people have to save somebody and put another person up she's managed to avoid the bullet way too many times... and then the times she has been up, there have been housemates that needed to go even more than she did. But with all her sniping and snideness and bitching and manipulation and just general cowness, she had to go... and tonight was that night...

I also loved that since it was another double eviction (hello, "two men enter, two men leave" revolving door BB house or what?), and she had pointedly said there were certain people she didn't want to be evicted with, she actually got evicted with the person she liked least (well, one of her top two anyway), Rebecca...

Now Rebecca was never one of my favourites, but I gotta say, both with her new hot hair and the "realness" she showed during her eviction, and in her "message from the grave" which I just caught on the Sunday Up Late show, you gotta give the girl snaps. And now Emma has to spend the whole week travelling everywhere with Rebecca, doing all the interviews and being asked a million billion questions about the fact they didn't get on. To quote the highly annoying former Housemate, Brodie... "Suffer in ya jocks!" (and god, how lame and 1983 is that phrase).

And tonight they've sent in two new intruders (yes, even more intruders very early in the series)... a possibly female version of uber-Aussie Travis (so she has maybe half an hour before I want to gouge her eyes out), and the gayest, gayest, gayest, gayest housemate ever in the history of the universe... I mean, seriously, the little I've seen of "Zach", he makes Rob from last year look butch... I mean he went into the house looking like an extra from a big gay musical and wearing a corset that he made himself... which isn't surprising, since that's what he does... he makes corsets... GAYEST! HOUSEMATE! EVER!

Lordy, lordy, lordy... And I can't wait until some random naked and inappropriate images of him surface... coz you just know, given the photos he took himself for his BB montage (I'm sorry, you took photos of yourself in your underwear inside a tanning bed to be screened on national teevee?), that there have to be some out there... he just has that "look" about him... there has to be some solo porn in his past somewhere. I could be wrong (he could be much too "particular" to be flashing his business to all and sundry)... but give it a couple of days and we'll see if anything surfaces...

I mean I know I was lamenting the lack of gay housemates this year, but then we had Nick, who I quite liked, even if he was a little paranoid and grumpy for a while there... but they possibly needed to have backed off the gayometer on this latest one just a touch...

And for the record, I'm gunna do my list again...

Most Appealing Male Housemate: Still Thomas... he won't win, but I'll bet he makes it to like the final five.

Most Appealing Female Housemate: Currently nobody... there are only four of them currently, one original, two previous intruders and the new intruder and I really can't be bothered with any of them

Most Annoying Male Housemate: Travis again... mostly for the massacre of the English language and just not knowing when to SHUT UP!

Most Annoying Female Housemate: Intruder Laura for being a big baby this past weekend

Housemate Who Shouldn't Speak Ever: A tie between Travis and the new girl, Michelle

Housemate Who Is Growing On Me: Sadly, now that she's been evicted, it's probably Rebecca

Housemate Most Likely To Be Voted Out Next: Laura... Actually I've been doing pretty well with my predictions... I don't think I've actually been surprised by a single eviction... and tonight I'd actually already decided that it would be Emma and Rebecca getting booted before the show started, so my batting average remains pretty high.

In slightly related news (not really, but work with me here)... given the fact that it's the Queen's Birthday holiday tomorrow (see, look at that, Queen's Birthday... Queen Emma... Zach's a big queen... it all fits together seamlessly... much like Zach's corset *rolls eyes*) and I'm still getting over being all sicky (I'm much improved though, no more breathing through my mouth and I feel like a person again... so I really should make a sacrificial offering to Codral at some point), I've decided that I'm going to give myself a day off from my walk...

This is going to be the first time I've just taken a voluntary day off since I started... and only the second weekday I haven't been for a walk... so dammit, I deserve a holiday. Having said that, if I happen to wake up at the crack of dawn (unlikely) and get the guilts (possible) then I might go anyway... but there will be something nice and decadent about being able to just get up when I feel like it on a Public Holiday.

And, now, I think, to bed... even though I'm not sure that was actually a sentence...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...but they possibly needed to have backed off the gayometer on this latest one just a touch...

Yani, Yani, Yani ... *Sigh* .. I said sweetie, I said darling, I said sweetie. You of all people should know that there is no such thing as "too gay". Personally I'm all for Zach, I think he is truly faaabulous.

And anyhoo, he's not gay, I'm THE gay ... he's just a little bit poofy ;-)

So actually, I think he needs to camp it up a bit more.