I just needed to do a brief bit of product placement however...
Berri have just brought out these two new juices... Native Blends... one is Apple, Mango & Lemon Myrtle and the other is Apple, Strawberry & Rosella Flower. Now I haven't tried the Rosella one, but I LOVE the one with Lemon Myrtle!
The juice itself isn't as heavy or thick as some of those juices can be... and the Lemon Myrtle flavour kicks in as a really great after taste... it kind of floats around your mouth once the juice is gone. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum...
And speaking of food... my attempt at lasagna last night...
Firstly I should have started making it half an hour earlier than I did... truth be told, given how things worked out, I really should have started making it at lunchtime... but I didn't. I followed the recipe on the back of the lasagna packet... although I added some extra vegetables to the meat sauce... and I was doing fine... and then I got to the part where it said "add two cups of chicken stock". To be honest, I should have looked at my meat mixture, looked at the chicken stock pack and said "I don tink so!" But, I was so busy just following the damn recipe that I didn't stop and think and just added the stock.
BIIIIIIIIG mistake! What I basically ended up with was tomato soup with meat and vegetables... and by this time Ma was on her way, so I only really had about forty minutes to get this thing sorted and in the oven (and it was supposed to be baked for thirty to forty minutes). Damn you San Remo! Damn you to where ever it is you damn pasta companies...
I did just about everything known to man or beast to try and get the meat sauce to thicken up... I left it uncovered and tried to evaporate the liquid away... I tried adding a little cornflour to thicken things up... I tried cursing under my breath (that was actually the least successful of the lot, not surprisingly). In the end I just took a big, deep breath and used the sauce as it was... still very sloppy, but a little better than when I first added the stock.
Even putting it together became something of a grand drama... if only because I've never actually done it before and I really didn't have the faintest idea what the hell I was doing.
And, as I kind of expected, it was a little on the sloppy side once it came out of the oven. It didn't taste half bad though... and once it had cooled down it all held together pretty well. Slightly stressful, but tasty. I don't know if I'll be making it again in a hurry though... maybe eventually, but not for a while.
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Yani just for future reference use tomato paste to thicken up the meat sauce i had the same prob a week ago and it works a treat.
Except for the fact that I already had five tablespoons of tomato paste in the mixture it sounds like a plan... trust me, it was the chicken stock that screwed me up... that or not being able to simmer the thing for three hours.
Or just admit defeat and bail out the excess liquid with a mug!
I've just discovered some lemon myrtle caramelised balsamic vinegar that you're supposted to put in a little pot with oil, and then dip bread in. B****ks to that - I can drink it by the litre on its own... it's great!
I'm hugely put off by the mango in that mixture though - isn't it overpowering?
You know what's really, really fucked up Tom... I never even thought of doing that... DUR ME!
And, short version... OMG! What's the brand of that balsamic? I might have to go searching for it.
As far as the mango goes, well I LIKE the taste of mango... so I don't know if it's overpowering or not... I wouldn't have said so, since really the taste you're left with is the lemon myrtle rather than the fruit... but, for the record, the juice is 85% apple juice, 14.9% mango juice and 0.004% lemon myrtle extract. Make of that what you will...
There's a cheaper version in my local deli but I've run out and can't find anything resembling it on Google... but these people first got me on to it - they do lots of food shows and farmers markets, but only around Sydney sadly. :(
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