
random shopping adventures

let's go shopping!Isn't it weird how if you've been doing something a certain way for a really, really long time, then it feels weird to do it any other way...

This morning's Random Shopping Adventures™ were ALL about that...

Since Ma was in Melbourne this morning (she's actually back now though, since she just called me) and we kinda have plans for tomorrow, I went and did my shopping all on my ownsome this morning.

And, of course, since I didn't have to wait for Ma to turn up here, I was out of the house earlier, which meant that I ended up sitting outside the stoopidmarket waiting for the doors to open at 8am... Granted we're only usually about fifteen or twenty minutes later than that usually... but it just felt weird...

Not so much the whole early thing... but sitting there by myself just felt wrong... granted it was also quieter (since I had nobody to talk to) and slightly more organised (since I only had myself to sort out)... but still really weird.

And partly because I didn't have that many things to get but also because I was by myself and could pick and choose where and when I stopped and if I stopped and for how long and whatever, I was finished in remarkably short order. Not only the main bit, but all the other bits and pieces too really.

I did buy a few things I might not have bought had I been shopping with Ma though... not much... just some Tiny Teddy biscuits and Nutella... so, you know... bad stuff...

And even after I stopped off so see the Honey Man and took a brief detour to Cheap As Chips to see if they had any more of those ginormous canvases, I was still home by around half nine or so. Which is pretty good I have to say.

My only problem now is that I have no idea what to do with myself for the rest of the day (well... at this point, what's left of the day).

There's not really any point in going shopping anywhere else, since I don't have any money to spend, and it's not as much fun to wander about aimlessly when you're on your own... and I can't really go anywhere interesting or photogenic because the weather is all ploppy. It's supposed to be Spring, but it's all cloudy and cold out there... buggerbum.

I kinda, sorta, maybe intend to go out again... I mean the car is still out the front instead of around the back in the carpark... so at the very least I have to go out and put that away... but I just don't know where to go...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Kirin said...

It's funny how when we get out of our normal routine, that it feels so strange and different, isn't it?