
the last meme

Which it's not... the last I mean... not by a long shot... lifted from Anonyboy...

Last Kiss: Josh, back at the beginning of the month.

Last Good Cry: Hmmm... I'm not sure about this one... it's been a while.

Last Crush: You know, I had to go to the dictionary for this one... I wanted to know the technical definition of crush... "an intense but usually short-lived infatuation"... and on a good day I can have about a billion of those before lunch. But I suppose it would be the chocolate boys from Sunday.

Last Alcoholic Drink: Fruit Tingle Frozen Daiquiri, again, on Sunday.

Last Phone Call: That would be when I called Ma yesterday afternoon.

Last Text Message: I think the last one I got was something marginally pornographic from Slick Willy...

Last TV Show Watched: If we're counting full shows... then that would be the episode of Weeds that I taped last night and was watching during lunch.

Last CD Played: Big Brother: The Original Soundtrack (UK Version)... and it's playing again as we speak.

Last Book Purchased: Hmmmm... you know, I don't actually remember...

Last Book Read: Howl's Moving Castle (that's the last book I finished reading)

Last Movie Seen In A Theater: The Seeker

Last Movie Rented: Dante's Cove

Last Download: If you just mean "the last thing I saved off the internet" then that would be wallpaper from the Weeds official website. I don't do music or other "downloady" stuff.

Last Curse Word Used: Probably "fuck", but I honestly can't remember.

Last Beverage Consumed: Berri Native Blend Apple, Mango and Lemon Myrtle juice

Last Food Consumed: Cadbury Snack Chocolate

Last Item Purchased: I think the last thing I actually bought was a bottle of water.

Last Car Ride: Sunday night for a bootay call.

Last Word Spoken: Not sure to be honest... I think I was mumbling to myself before when I was looking for something to get out of the freezer for dinner, but I don't remember what I said. The last ACTUAL thing I remember saying out loud was "I love this show" after a particularly amusing bit in Weeds.

Last Annoyance: My neighbour/s who take mail that doesn't belong to them (but at the same time doesn't belong to anybody who actually lives here anymore either), open it, and then dump it on the footpath. Second only to the neighbour/s who put that mail there in the first place instead of writing "return to sender" on it and returning it. To be honest, my neighbours are my first, last and every place in between when it comes to annoyances.

Last Disappointment: Well it's a bit lame... but I was a little disappointed at lunch time when I went to get one of the Lebanese bread things out of the pack at lunch time and I realised that they were starting to get a little furry with mold (but it didn't really matter since I got them for 79 cents). Luckily it was short lived disappointment, because I still had a couple of them in the freezer.

Current Mood:

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