
sir no sir

bootcampYou know what's currently at the top of my "popular fad" hate list...

Fitness Boot Camps...

I mean, seriously, c'mon... do you all know how very, very stupid you all look running around in the great outdoors?

Part of the reason they're all currently on my shitlist is that one of the groups I regularly see during my walk was clogging up the path down the hill the other day... not only clogging it up by running up and down it, but running BACKWARDS for a portion of the path. Now this is a public path... for, you know, the public... so really they shouldn't have been anywhere near it. At least the other group seems to mostly stick to the grassy areas.

But I'm sure some of you are thinking that I also partake in outdoor exercise. And this is true... but there's a reason for it...

Unlike these armed forces wannabes, I can't actually afford to go to a gym at present... you know, a gym... inside, where there's a roof over your head and it's climate controlled and there are showers and bathrooms and lights and carpet. And you don't have to look out for bird and possum shit when you're doing sit ups and push ups.

Also, if you're in a gym, I don't have to look at you.

And you're paying money for this... you're paying money to somebody so they can yell at you (okay, I'm assuming about the yelling, because I don't actually hear/see any yelling), and make you carry weighted backpacks up and down stairs and form groups to carry tyres and other heavy objects. And did I mention the potential for bird and possum shit?

Seriously, the sooner this stupidass fad is over the happier I will be...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Tom said...

You grumpy old sod! But you're right, bootcamps don't appeal at all - paying someone to shout at you... no thanks. I am a fan of exercising outside though - treadmills are for hamsters. :P