
montage monday: saturday ramble

saturday ramble 2007I'm in something of better sorts this morning... partly that's because its a bright and sunny day out there (although it's still freezing inside my apartment... damn the insulating properties of double brick sometimes) and I'm considering going out in the world in a bit... right after lunch I guess... partly because my walk was really nice this morning, I couldn't give you a specific reason why, it just was... of course it's probably also because I'm in a whole other room from The Disaster... and the few times I have been in there, or gone past it, I haven't really looked at it. I do know that it didn't improve overnight at all...

And I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do with/about it...

However, I have a new photographic project idea under my hat... which, granted, I stole off somebody else... but it could be fun (and part of the reason I'm thinking about going out later)... so hopefully that will make me feel a little better, or at the very least, the sunshine will help me mood.

Speaking of photo projects... today's Montage is the first time I've ever really planned out and structured a montage while I was constructing it. Check out the positions of the street art, and the flowers and the birds... rather than just plonking things down any old place I actually went through and had a vague system to things. Which is kind of scary in itself, since I'm usually all about the plan and the system... surprising that I haven't done this before now really.

I did have a strange little encounter once I got home this morning... well, maybe it wasn't an encounter, because I just stood here watching it... but, you know. Not long after I'd gotten back from my walk and was in the midst of doing my Unconscious Mutterings post I could hear this big truck thing reversing somewhere outside one of my windows... turned out it was some nice folks from the council who had come to trim the tree in front of my next door neighbour's place... although I have no idea WHY! I think possibly the tree had some sort of disease or something, because bits of it were seemingly dead and just hanging there while the rest of it was all green and lush, but they didn't even seem to take all of those bits out... they just really hacked into the side facing his property... so I have no idea what that was all about. I did end up just standing there watching them do the whole thing though... partially because it was interesting watching the guy hack up the tree with the baby chainsaw on a stick... but also because half of the four man crew was something in an exercise in how odd my taste in men is, since I found them both equally attractive... different, but still worth standing there for like fifteen minutes and perving on...

The guy with the chainsaw on a stick was probably in his thirties, slender but athletic looking (at least from what I could see given that he was wearing a big coat), very close cropped hair, quite attractive... but, again, he was wearing sunglasses, but then I have a big fetish for the sunglass...

The other guy was probably early twenties, a much more stocky build (but he smoked, so he lost points there), had a face a little bit like Jack Black (which is weird because I've never really thought of Le Black as attractive, but it was working for this guy), and a head full of somewhat ratty dreadlocks... mmmm dreadlocks... at least in theory.

OOOOH! I'm listing to Fresh's lunchtime show again... and they're playing Kiss Your Lips by Tokyo Ghetto Pussy... DAMN I love that song! It's always a song that not only reminds me of when I was first out on the gay scene, but also of Crow... but, moving along...

While I'm switching topics quickly... just one of my pet peeves that's shown up again recently... and while I could do a whole ranting post about it, it's probably better that I just keep it to a bare minimum here... what is it with people not replying to emails? Okay, before I start to rant, I will hold my hand up and say "yes, I'm as bad, if not worse, than anybody at replying to emails"... but you would think if you took the time out to email somebody to specifically tell them something or ask them something or even to give them something, then they would bloody well reply. But they don't. Okay, sometimes they DO reply a month later... but by that point you've actually forgotten you sent them an email in the first place, so it doesn't actually matter. But if you actually created something for somebody, and sent it to them in an email, you would expect to get at least a "hey, thanks!" email. I'm not asking for War and Peace... just common courtesy. So you've all been told now! *grin*

Yesterday evening's edition of Postcards was the one they were filming when I was at the Botanic Gardens... and I'd called Ma, just to let her know that I might pop up in the far distant background, although I kind of doubted it. And I was right... but I was NEARLY in every shot... or at least that's how it felt... I'm looking at the footage they're showing and thinking "hey, I remember that little kid" or "I was there when those gardeners were spreading out that dirt" or whatever... actually I might have been in the very far back of one shot, but the figure was like a quarter inch tall, wearing something dark and in the shade, so if it was me, you'd never know it.

I also discovered on the news last night that the Port Adelaide Sailing Club has closed up it's old beat-up clubhouse and been moved to some brand spanky new one further down (or up, or something) the river... so I'm glad I took all those photos when I did!

Ma is off on her trip to Melbourne this week... which I have mixed emotions about... I think if she was actually going a total holiday thing then I might be slightly more miffed, but she's not even going to be staying in the city... plus she's going with stupid and annoying people, at least from my perspective (long story, mostly dull... but they're paying for the plane tickets)... but she gets to use the brand spanky new wheely luggage we bought just after we got back from Melbourne a couple of years ago (hers is red, mine is purple... big surprises there, not). Actually I did wonder at some point this morning whether my rather extreme reaction to screwing up The Disaster painting had, at least in part, been brought on by all this other stuff around Ma going to Melbourne. Not that I resent her going... it's just that after we came back from there we had all these plans about going to Sydney and all this other stuff (hence the suitcases)... and it's just never eventuated... mostly because I'm not in a position to be able to throw money into the kitty for it (ie I'm one big disaster).

But lets change the subject quickly before I get a full on downer going...

It's looking good for excursions over the next couple of weeks... this coming weekend is the LifeStyle FOOD Channel Feast for the Senses down by the river, so that could be interesting... then the following weekend is Petals in the Park at the Botanic Gardens... which is actually interesting, since we'd already kind of pencilled in going there after Ma got back from Melbourne (she actually is only going for Thursday, Friday and part of Saturday)... and luckily all the Petals stuff is off in the Rose Garden, so if we decide it's all a bit much, we can run away to the rest of the Gardens.

And next Wednesday (not this coming one, the one the week after) Triple J's breakfast crew, namely Myf, Jay and The Doctor, will be broadcasting from some place on North Terrace... it does start at 5:30am though... but they're giving out a free breakfast (okay, it's going to be a sausage sizzle, but you never know, The Doctor could bring along his jaffle maker and whip up some cheese toasties). I'm still of two minds about whether to go along. I mean it could be fun, but I'd have to get up really early (not that I don't already, but even earlier than that)... and I figure the best idea would actually be to walk down there instead of doing my regular walk, but I'd have to wear regular people clothes, not my walking clothes. We'll see I guess... I don't really have to make a decision one way or the other until Tuesday night.

But right now I need to go and get my homemade pizza out of the oven before it burns...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

LOL! You cheeky so and so! Not my fault your email got caught in with the fake viagra, dodgy herbs and large breasted czech girls queuing up to talk to me in my spam filter! What happened to better late than never?! Surely I get points for that! :P

yani said...

Hehehe... actually you were the only one NOT getting a serve... partly because like I said, I'd actually forgotten that I'd sent you an email :)

So yes, you have points all over the place... it's everybody ELSE that doesn't have any points...