
montage monday: backstreets

backstreets 2007Well look at that... a Monday Montage of the Sidestreets and Alleyways "project"... bet nobody saw that one coming... although possibly they didn't see it coming at this late stage of the day... I did intend to post this much earlier, but then the day got away from me (not to mention the fact that I was working on a blog comment for somebody else's blog for almost an hour this morning).

You know what I really, really, REALLY hate about sunburn... other than the actual fact of BEING sunburned of course... the fact that anything vaguely warm, be it temperature or sunlight or warm water just makes it heat up and burn like a son of a bitch *grumble*. That, and the fact that I look like I'm auditioning for a remake of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes... And I keep slathering myself in Le Tan Iced Green Tea After Sun Mist Spray... which really isn't a "mist" in the slightest... and the whole "spray" concept just doesn't work, so I just spray it into my hand and rub it on like normal. It's nowhere near as good as the Face of Australia Sun: After Sun Gel I used to have... Grrrr... I'm so wearing a hat next weekend when we go to the Botanic Gardens...

I got my tax refund in the post this morning... I actually did my tax online for the first time this year and it was a walk in the freakin park... yes, I probably paid more attention to the online version than I would to the paper version because I hadn't done it before, but it didn't really take me that long, and I didn't even need to send them anything. Plus I got my refund back within a couple of weeks, as opposed to however long it takes when you do it manually. So BOOYA for the Information Age.

And now I have a cheque for $900 (I still prefer getting the cheque rather than having them put it straight into my bank... but honestly I couldn't tell you why)... not as impressive as the one I got a couple of years back... but still a reasonable chunk of change. My real problem is that I want to do something of substance with it. I don't want to just put it in the bank and let it sit there and then use it for randomness or just keeping my head above water. Part of me wants to use it to take Ma to Sydney... another part wonders about getting a digital SLR body that will fit my existing SLR lenses and other accessories (although I don't know if that's actually possible... much less whether I would get something of substance for the money I have).

Speaking of Ma and travelling... she brought me a couple of bits and pieces back from Melbourne... firstly a copy of MCV magazine just for shits and giggles, a teeny tiny bottle of water and a "stirrer" from the plane (not quite sure WHY I got the stirrer, but the teeny bottle of water could be handy), a fridge magnet with a shark on it that says both "Bite Me" and "Melbourne" (because I think at one point I said something about just wanting something that said Melbourne on it), as well as a bunch of stationery and a cute little keyring from Smiggle, because as she put it "We don't have one of those over here". And that's probably a good thing, because I'm already a Stationery Whore, and there are way too many pretty pretties on the Smiggle website that I'm lusting after.

She also took a bunch of photos of an whole Alice in Wonderland themed street art alleyway somewhere in, I think, Brighton that once again makes me jealous of Melbourne's street art versus the few things I can find over here... not to mention the funky business signage/art in the same street.

While I was shopping on Saturday morning I happened to see a shaving mirror with a suction cup that you could stick onto the tiles while I was wandering down the cereal/lolly aisle (it was on one of those plastic strip things they hang from the shelves to make you impulse buy)... and while I have a shaving mirror in the shower, I don't have one attached to the wall or anything, I just have to hold it... and this one was only $2, so I figured what the hell. Turns out there is, in fact, a reason why certain things only cost $2... that's because they're not actually worth even the amount of plastic it took to make them. Stupid thing has fallen off the wall twice now... once about five minutes after I stuck it up there... then again either overnight or this morning. Mirror never broke though, which is a good sign... stupid piece of crap thing though...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Tom said...

Tax refund... swine! I get to pay more. Bloody ATO.

Anyway... do a blogging tour of Aus with the cash... Sydney and Brissie! :)