
big baby ramblings

big babyGod... somebody shoot me now...

Work is fine (if a little, you know, dull), but this whole bad schedule thing is killing me! I'm just so not in the groove.

I get up at 5:45 (it might as well still be 2am given how dark it is), go for my walk, get home around 7:15 or so (when the sun is only just starting to come up, provided it's not overcast, then forget about it), have my shower, eat breakfast and fudge around online for a bit, try and leave here around just after 8... get to work around 8:30 (what with the bus and whatever) or a little later... work like some kind of random crazy person until lunchtime, take half an hour for lunch, come back, work like the aforementioned crazy person until some time around 4:30 (okay, the first day it was 5, but the last two days I was just at an appropriate natural break at 4:30, so I tossed it in)... get the bus home, which, like today, involved standing around for another fifteen or so minutes waiting for the freakin thing.... then get home, get changed, fudge around online again, and maybe try and post to my blog if I didn't in the morning, and try and catch up with my blogroll, and whatever other online stuff I want/need to be doing... plus having dinner (although this week that's pretty much just involved throwing something in the microwave that I've previously cooked and had in the freezer)... squash some teevee in there somewhere, and then bed around 10:30 or so, and start the whole thing over again.

It actually sounds like it should be simple, right... but I'm trying to cram my "non working life" into my "working life", and it's like trying to, to quote Ma, fit a quart in a pint pot... it just won't go... something, somewhere has to give eventually, especially if I'm supposed to be doing this for a month and a half, but I honestly don't know what. Back the last time I was working I had everything running totally smoothly... I got to work early, I came home early, I hit everything I wanted to online and still had time to cook dinner and watch all my favourite teevee shows. But that was before the blog thing (mine and other people's) and before the morning walk and before the 8:30 food cutoff.

So I don't quite know what to do... and with going to the movies last night, that effectively put me a day behind myself... then there was a Big Brother Special on tonight I wanted to watch (oh, and for the record... new Housemate, Nick, aka The Starburst Kid... could he BE any gayer!!! Hehehe, and I just realised I was right after seeing this in the BB Diary "Are you a gay bloke Nick? Travis asks. Nick replies: Yep." Well DUR... blind and deaf mutes would know he was a "gay bloke"... but YAY, gay housemate at last! And, getting even further off topic, did anyone else feel like that whole thing was just a little bit rigged? Four girls, one gay boy, all around the right age to be a housemate, reasonably attractive, and oh look, the gay boy, who we just happened to not put into the house previously has won... I dunno)... so I just feel like I'm chasing my tail all around the place.

Okay, so I'm basically a big manbaby and I'm having a big sulky whinge... I could drop the walk or I could put the blog on hiatus or I could cut down my blogroll, or I could stop reading the diary on the Big Brother website, or I could watch less Big Brother, or a million billion combinations of all of the above. I should quite whinging and just be thankful I actually have work. Right?

Speaking of work, like I said, it's... well... it's time consuming and it's gainful employment, but it's not exactly rocket science, or terribly interesting. I said once before that being a short term temp is actually harder in a lot of ways to working somewhere long term or full time... because unless you're hired to specifically fill in for somebody else or do a general "reception/office dogsbody" type roll, you're usually just there to do a single task (or at least, I always seem to be), and nothing but that task... and it's draining... all you do all day long is that one thing... and it gets a little much.

Plus, the chairs are never comfortable...

For the record, I met "The Other Gardener" on Tuesday, and, well, it was actually anti-climactic... I think we said maybe half a dozen words to each other all day... I introduced myself in the morning (the word of the day is "proactive"), then when I was stretching later in the afternoon (see the earlier point about the chairs) she asked how I was going... other than that I just did what I was there to do and that was about it.

But the people in and around where I'm working are very clearly insane... or else it was just the kind of day it was today... one dude ending up going out on a quest to buy Vegemite because he was having a craving for Vegemite on toast... and he kept telling the woman who sits opposite me all about it, so I had no choice but to overhear it... bah! Actually I had no choice but to overhear all their crap, since that particular group don't seem that bright and talk a lot of crap.

And I also went to the farewell morning tea for someone I'd never met... yay enforced work social gatherings... actually I only bothered because, you know, free cake and no work...

While I'm thinking about it, isn't there an unspoken rule about men's public/work bathrooms that says that if there are multiple available stalls and one is occupied, you never, ever, ever, ever take the one that's right next to the occupied one... well, unless we're talking about beat sex, which, oddly enough, seems to be a blogosphere topic at the moment... well, I had that happen this afternoon... a whole room full of empty toilets (thus is the bonus and the curse of working in a building that seems to be overwhelmingly staffed by women), and the dude just felt that he had to take the one right next to me.

Oh, and try as I might, even without spending an obscene amount of money (I'm sorry, I'm SO not paying $50+ for a business shirt, fuck that shit), I couldn't find a pink shirt in my size... so no Pink Shirt Thursday for me tomorrow *sulky face*... I did, however, pick up a really nice chocolate brown shirt, so I think Friday will be Chocolate Shirt Friday, at least for me.

See, and now it's past my bedtime, and I still have to do the dishes before I go to bed.

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Tom said...

You could get an old white shirt and wash it with something red to make it pink?!

yani said...

You know I actually did consider that... or buying a white shirt and some fabric dye... if I get really desperate I might just try that... hehe

Sunshine said...

You just described my normal work life - and mine is for an indefinite period!!! >:)