
walk to work day

walk to work day 2007As observant visitors will have noticed from the button in the sidebar for the past couple of weeks, today is Walk to Work Day here in the merry old land of Oz.

And I swear that it's a complete and total fluke that Walk to Work Day falls just a couple of days after my walking "anniversary"...

I can't say that I saw any more people walking when I was out this morning, but perhaps between 6am and 7:30am is a little early to be going to work (and the two workaholics at the back of the room can put their hands down and be quiet).

It's still a good idea though (the Walking to Work thing), given that according to the paper last weekend regular walking/exercise can half the risk of heart disease, help prevent and manage diabetes and reduce your risk of cancer not to mention the reduction in greenhouse pollution.

So, how about it?

Current Mood:


Tom said...

I think you blogged about this last year... and I thought to myself I must do it. And then I read this post the day after the event... doh!

Next year can you give us some warning?!?

yani said...

See, that's what you get for not actually coming to visit my blog at it's actual web address... I've had a button in the sidebar for the past two weeks advertising this... and you missed it... ner on you! :P

Yes, yes, next year I'll have to remember to actually mention it in the blog, but really.... ;) hehe