Today was one of those...
So I decided that since it's been about a year since I took myself off on my last excursion of Linear Park (not counting my daily walk, because that takes in bits of it... but I'm talking different bits... more easterly bits) I should go for another ramble down there somewhere... so I grabbed my camera and my earphones for my mobile so I could have some radio action and jumped in the car to find a spot to start from.
I ended up snagging a different section yet again... though it did overlap with part of both my regular walk and my last walk. I also braved the "rope bridge" (centre photo above) I saw last time... which was a whole world of uneasy by the time I got halfway across, since it just undulated and swung in time with my steps and made for a slight case of butterflies. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with either heights or skinny little bridges... but skinny little bridges that sway and move and don't seem all that stable, even though you know they are... less of a fan. What was really odd was after I got off the bridge my legs were still compensating for the movement for a while, which just felt weird.
Unlike the other times I've done the LP run, this time I didn't stay "on road"... I did what I've been wanting to do for a while and went "off road" near where I went looking for the graffiti last time (the first of the three shots up the top)... a little precarious at times clambering over the boulders and whatnot, and I'm sure my thighs will be protesting sometime tomorrow with all the unusual action (actually, forget tomorrow... they were already protesting when I got up from the keyboard after typing this out), but interesting... okay, maybe not THAT interesting... but I was impressed with myself.
Of course, because I'd left the path and moved away from it while it was climbing higher and higher I had to get back up there again at some point... and I had two choices... retrace my steps or else try and clamber up the side of the hill... I chose the latter and I managed surprisingly well actually, given that it was actually really steep (the final shot on the right). I know it doesn't look that bad in the photo... but I was looking straight down on it with the camera, plus I'm the one who climbed it, so trust me.
After I made it back to the path again I looped back eventually and dropped my jacket in the car (I should have known better and just left it in the car but it was chilly when I started out), then went for a wander in the opposite direction, towards the Zoo and where I normally do my walk. On the way I went past a bunch of other bits of public art... some I knew where there and have seen before, like the Angel that I featured once, others not so much....
And the latter category is where the "you are here" comes from... it's this big stone arch thing, and then a large stone with the words engraved in the top of it. Just in case there was any confusion about where you were...
I did think briefly about swinging over towards the Botanic Gardens, maybe having a bit of a wander in there... but the sun seemed to have slipped behind some grey clouds so I kind of nixed that idea (which of course means that the sky turned beautifully blue and clear not long after I got home)... but it was just as well since I was living on borrowed time with my camera battery and it killed itself shortly after I headed back along the side of the Zoo. And because the Universe likes nothing better than thumbing its nose at me, once my battery had completely and totally died I had this beautiful shot of a couple of the Siamang gibbons up at the very top of the climbing frame thing in their new shared enclosure (with the orangutans)... perfect shot... no camera... grrrr...
T'was a nice walk tho... and it got me out of the house for a bit...
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