This could be fun...
Or, you know, like real and actual thermonuclear war it could just end with everybody dying...
The gang of annoying children were screaming out in the courtyard again... and instead of just screaming at them and then closing the door I did the scream on my way to the letterbox... and unfortunately looked up and made eye contact with AUN Father... I'm not sure now whether he gave me a half smile in support or what the hell, but a look passed between us, and since I've been wanting to have this particular conversation for a while I said that his kids needed to stop running around up there as well.
And he turned on me.
I possibly picked the worst possibly minute to do it, since his kids are supposedly both up there asleep... and why wouldn't they be asleep at 5:30 in the afternoon when they're up until at least 11pm every night. So a nice little afternoon nap before the evening stomping.
And the fucker just wouldn't let me finish a sentence, which always pisses me off... and as I got angrier, the louder I got (okay, I was already pretty loud because he was upstairs and I wasn't, but still) and the pissier I got.
Then he started heading for the stairs, so I headed towards my open apartment door not only so that I had an escape route, but... actually I was running on adrenalin by that point, so I don't really know what other reasons compelled me.
But the stupid fuck just picked up a pile of the junk mail that AUNs must deliver around the neighbourhood and ignored me.
Once I came inside though he started whinging to somebody... one of my other neighbours obviously, and I heard him say that he was going to call the landlord.
You do that Sonny Jim.. you just try it, because I have one or two choice things to say to him too.
Fuckit... I'm shaking like a leaf here. I knew this was going to happen at some point... well, not this exactly... but I'm surprised that there hasn't been an irate parent on my doorstep before now. I've just HAD it though. I've lived here for nearly ten years... and although I've complained about other neighbours during that time, I've never complained THIS much for THIS long about THIS many neighbours.
It's just the noise... if it was just the grown-up neighbours without the kids then I would grumble, but I would cope. I just want peace and quiet in my own house... I don't want to ALWAYS have to either have the teevee or some other noise going on in my apartment to drown out the sound of my neighbours. I want to be able to sit in my little red sofa and read a book in peace. Am I going to get it if this thing develops into World War Three... lord no, because they can obviously drive me crazy with the minimum of effort just by inflicting the kids on me.
So stay tuned, I could be blogging from a cardboard box by the end of the week... or even worse, Ma's place (okay that's not really true, but I know we would drive each other insane inside about a week).
Current Mood:

Are they renting too? You could print off a fake letter from the strata people reminding them to keep their children under control on common property. Obviously wouldn't work if they own it as they'd know it was a fake!
LOL - the word verifcation is bhell. Bloody hell!
Strata... hehehehehe... you funny...
We don't got no stinkin strata... we don't even have a rental agent... no, all we have is a fairly useless landlord...
I did think about just writing an anonymous letter and sticking it in everybody's letterbox... if I thought most of them could actually understand it...
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