
waterhouse and sala-y goodness

humpback at night, australian ravens, grey strike-thrush nest, ripple and native oppressionToday was all about the art again...

Maybe I need to start a new category like the "Excursions" one but call it "Art" or something... or maybe not, since I think the Excursion category is pretty much filled with things to do with art anyway...

Now, where was I... oh yes, all about the art...

After our usual Random Shopping Adventures™, we decided to head into town to the Museum since the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize winner was announced yesterday (and got a write up in today's paper) and the exhibition was now open to the public.

It was a little bit like the wildlife photography exhibitions we went to see back in April... especially since they were in the same exhibition space, and the theme was wildlife/natural history, but there really were some beautiful pieces... and a lot that the images on the website won't do justice to.

The images up there on the right that I picked out to go with this post are first my and then Ma's favourite pieces (or our very favourites anyway)... and we both had to pick a very, very favourite since there was also a Peoples' Choice Winner and we both filled out the entry form for that... from top to bottom there's my fave pieces... Humpback at Night by Dan Tomkins (my final choice for the Peoples' Choice), Australian Ravens by Steven Mark Holland (made out of wire and plastic bags!), Grey Strike-Thrush Nest by Beverly Ednie... then Ma's faves... Ripple by Glen Vause (Ma's final pick) and Native Oppression by Peter Syndicas.

While we were in there, we also ran into one of the women from Camera Club out with her son... and fortunately she was somebody that I liked *grin*, so it was nice to see her and say hello.

sala festival 2007After we'd wandered around there for a while we needed to grab some lunch, so we ended up in Buskers Cafe (which is also number 100 on the list of 101 Food Secrets) at the top end of the Mall which turned out to be quite nice... and on the way there I swung into the Visitor Centre booth thing and picked up a guide for the SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival which is on at the moment (August 3-19 actually), and we had a leaf through it while we were enjoying our bruschetta and coffee...

I'm glad they actually put out a hardcopy guide to be honest because their website leaves a hell of a lot to be desired! Load already DAMMIT!

sala in adelaide arcadeAnyway, we decided to head up to Adelaide Arcade since they had 17 different exhibition things going on (three of which, it turns out, were in the former offices of the company who used to do the tech stuff for us when I worked in the Education Department... Adelaide, Kevin Bacon, two degrees).

There was some nice stuff in the Arcade precinct actually... The posters from the Australian Graphic Design Association... some of the photography stuff... bits and pieces from the "Metal Circus" jewellery exhibition (playing card earrings, faux chocolate brooches and suchlike)... but two of my favourites were Michelle Lee's Emotions series and the "beer bottle cufflinks" by (I think) Andrew Welch in the "On the Cuff" exhibition in Zu design... especially the Coopers cufflinks... very, very cool!

And of course, some of the artists were actually there with their art, and it's always bad when you find one of them much more interesting to look at than his art... *grin*

That was about the point where we were starting to run out of "car park" though... so we wandered back to the car. Now I just have to go through the guide and mark out anything else that looks worthwhile...

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