So he's short and buff and cute and flexible... now I know what I want for Christmas!
The pics that I'm using came from his official site, although these ones are slightly cut down from the originals. They're part of his ad campaign for EnBW, a German electricity company... not quite sure what one has to do with the other, but I'm not complaining...
I have to say that if I was forced to pick a couple of sports that I HAD to watch, then men's gymnastics, particularly the stuff with the horse where they swing their legs all over everywhere, would be at the top of the list. That and men's diving...
Current Mood:

wow. that IS hot. I think we want the same thing for x-mas!
I met one of the Aussie men's diving team the other day. Tres hot. :)
This guy has curiously fat feet though. Odd.
Yep, I totally agree. Apart from the physical beauty of their fat-free bodies, they move and throw their bodies about in a way us mortals can only dream about.
He is hot but is his voice 3 octives higher than mine?
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