Oh, and for the record, yes my thighs are indeed killing me today... stupid climbing...
This might turn into one of those long rambly posts that doesn't really go anywhere... don't you just love them?
I'm doing something of a music thing today... I'm guessing it's the fault of listening to the Top 40 show on Nova yesterday both while I was out and then after I got home... I haven't done the whole "radio on in the house" thing for about a billion years (plus I HATE the commercials and innaneness of a lot of commercial radio), but it worked out okay... so this morning I dug out my Ultra Lounge CD... On the Rocks (Part One). There were a bunch of them that came out in the late 90's, Austin Power-eske versions of a range of songs. Then when that was finished I went digging around for a bunch of other stuff in a similar vein. At present I have Natacha Atlas on... very cool and groovy in the laid back reminding me of having cool late night dinners with friends kind of way.
Oh... Natacha just finished, so I swapped her over for Jazz Moods for Late Nights... I'm in that groovy retro kind of mood I guess... I also have a few other discs of a similar oeuvre picked out to play later.
I'm a little cranky... I totally missed National Underwear Day this year... okay, not really cranky, but maybe a touch disappointed... I missed out on getting to post pics of some hot guy in his underwear again...
Ah well...
While attempting to come up with something that will hold together as English language for this post I'm also flicking through a variety of other people's blogrolls, and the Pinkboard Blog List just looking at as many Aussie gay blogs as I can find. I dropped a couple of blogs off of my list yesterday and I kind of want to find some new blogs to visit...
I dunno... maybe I'm forgetting how I got interested in a lot of the blogs on my blogroll in the first place. I don't remember anymore how many of them instantly grabbed me and just MADE me keep coming back... and how many were kind of the "slow burn" kind... where any given post isn't thrilling necessarily, but you build up an idea of the person and sometimes have a relationship of sorts with the blog, whether or not you ever post comments there and it's the accumulated relationship that makes you keep coming back.
But I'm not finding anything that grabs me... there's too many blogs posting videos (which my system usually just doesn't cope with, or else takes forever to download, thank you dialup), so as soon as I see too many of those I go for the little 'x'... and anybody who posts song lyrics generally isn't going to hold my attention... I dunno, I'm just a fussy bitch I guess.
But then we knew that already didn't we...
I think part of my current "must find new and interesting bloggers to read" psychosis comes from the fact that my stats profile for the last week or so has been a steadily dropping line... on the face of things that's fine... I've said before that I'm not in this for the hits, and I know I'm never going to be Famous Gay Blogger Number 1... but it is a little disheartening when I bottomed out at maybe 90 pageviews yesterday.
Add that to the fact that I've had one comment in the last week's worth of posts (not that I'm fishing for comments... well, not yet anyway... although I do have a plan for that later in the week), and, well... I'm a little bloggerbummed.
I also can't escape the fact that it's, you know... that most dreaded of phrases... my fault. For a gay blogger, my life really isn't very gay... or very anything just at the moment (but that's a whole other conversation). And if life isn't that gay, where does that leave my blog.
Of course then it comes back to a version of something I heard in a documentary on Friday night, Here's Looking at You, Boy (which I very nearly missed because the TV Guide didn't bother to mention it was about queer cinema)... crap... I can't remember the exact line but it's along the lines of "does being a gay person who blogs mean I have to blog about gay things" (only in the documentary they were talking about directors, not bloggers, obviously)... okay that's not quite right, but it sounded good when I heard it on Friday.
Actually there was something else in that documentary that made me think... somebody was commenting about Brokeback Mountain and said "why THAT film?"... which I found interesting... why did Brokeback turn into this big "crossover" gay movie... the one that all these straight people went to see? Was it because everyone involved, the actors, the director, the writers, etc were straight? Did that make it a "safe" gay movie... or was it because the characters were mostly repressed... not flamboyant or even just "regular" gay characters? And if they'd made the same movie with an openly gay director, or openly gay actors in the leads, would it have generated the buzz that it did? Don't get me wrong, I love the movie, but the documentary did get me thinking.
Changing tack now... Being born in the seventies and living with both a mother and grandmother who bought cookbooks during that era (sometimes for the actual cooking, sometimes just for the pretty pictures I think), I'm familiar with the rampant scariness of 70's era cookbook photos... but Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974 is a whole different beastie... it's scary AND amusing, all at the same time... go look... really...
And that lead me to The Institute of Official Cheer... sorry, I just like campy ads from the past... and snarky commentary of same...
Speaking of campy and skarky... I must also admit my current secret shame... I like this current season of American's Next Top Model that's screening on Ten at the moment (hmmm, actually I think it's Season 5 from 2005... what's up with that...especially when the most recent series has them coming to Australia... the mind boggles really)... I know... it's bad and it's wrong and all the rest, but it's amusing too. Originally I tuned in (after an episode of Big Brother) because of the photoshoots they do and the makeovers... I'm a sucker for the makeover... and I like watching the results of a good photoshoot... and now I'm addicted... it's my secret shame... well, not so secret now I guess. Whoops!
See I told you this was all rambly and wasn't going to go anywhere...
Current Mood:

Pfttt... If you were just a "gay blogger" I wouldn't necessarily read you. I mean any idiot can post half or fully naked pics of men (not that the Random Hotness posts aren't appreciated!). I read you because you're an interesting blogger who is gay, the gay bit being one characteristic among many. So there. :P
That's what I was trying to say... that last bit there...
It's nice to know I'll always have at least one reader ;)
I read your blog because of southpark, sipmsons, m&ms AND random hotties. Also, (no offence) i think it's so totally ADORABLE that your gay! ANd....you ARE a good blogger. check out mine!
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