
photo friday: random

misty island 2007Some random stuff for today's Photo Friday... firstly another shot from Misty Monday... the "island" in the Torrens with the Convention Centre swathed in mist and barely visible behind it...

not snowbells 2007The second shot is from the Botanical Safari at the beginning of last month... I thought that they were Snowbells... but when I checked online it turns out that Snowbells don't look anything like these flowers... so, yeah... no idea....

barton terrace 2006And last but not least is a shot from ages and ages ago... snapped during the final leg of my walk one day... I love that they took the ancient street sign and put it on the side of the very new and contemporary building.... too cool. I also love how they started out spacing the letters in Barton out, and then had to squish the shorthand for Terrace in at the end. Unless of course they just had a bunch of signs already stamped with Terrace and Street and Road, and then had to align the street name to it took up the remaining room.

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