Although I gotta say... I hate things that need to be constructed with an Allen key... I mean, who the hell was Allen anyway... and why was he obsessed with little hexagonal keys...
Okay, that's why I hate Wikipedia sometimes... ruins a perfectly good diatribe... "Allen wrench was originally a trademark of the Allen Manufacturing Company in Hartford, Connecticut, taken out in 1943"... who knew...
Now, where was I... oh yeah... Allen key... very annoying.
But thus is the way of the modern world... everything comes in a flattish box and you have to put it together yourself... at least when you're not paying lots and lots of dollars for something.
On the upside, at no point during the proceedings did I want to either tear parts of the chair apart and beat them against each other... nor did I want to gouge my own eyes out with said Allen key. Ma was a chicken, she went home before I started putting it together, just in case I got all crankylike... wuss... *grin*
So other than getting a new chair and doing everything later than we usually would due to Ma's haircut appointment, not a whole hell of a lot happened... some random shopping in town... then back here for chair construction...
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