
friday meme

I had a hankering for a meme this morning, so I did the Google thing until I found something halfway decent...

  1. Flip to page 18, paragraph 4 in the book closest to you right now, what does it say?
    Actually, page 18 is totally blank, it's the gap between the prologue and the first part of the book... however, paragraph 4 of page 17 says:

    "And with his death, the bonds that tethered me withered into nothing."

  2. If you stretch out your left arm as far as possible, what are you touching?
    In a straight line, then nothing... I can also reach my digital camera, my pencil case, my multivitamin bottle and my little folder of Studio 2000 photos from way back in the day.

  3. What’s the last program you watched on TV?
    That "Fight For Life" show that was on last night... I ended up catching the last bit of it after swearing blind that I wouldn't watch it again after last week was all overly emotional and whatnot.

  4. Without looking, guess what time it is.
    I'm guessing somewhere in the vicinity of 12:15... (whoa... 12:14!)

  5. Aside from the computer, what can you hear right now?
    Blissfully nothing right now... there was the distinct drone of power tools from somewhere nearby a little while ago, but for right now, this very second... nothing.

  6. When was the last time you were outside and what did you do?
    This morning, when I went walking.

  7. What are you wearing?
    Dark red faux Denver College tee, blue jeans, white socks that probably need to be thrown away (I noticed a hole in the heel before) and red Mossimo boxer briefs... well, you did ask!

  8. Did you dream last night? If you did, what about?
    I didn't... or at least, if I did, I didn't remember anything. Like I've said before, I very, very, very seldom remember my dreams.

  9. When was the last time you laughed?
    A couple of minutes ago when a "Star Wars" quiz page that had been loading in the background suddenly started pumping out the theme tune and scared the bejezus out of me!

  10. What’s on the walls, in the room you’re in right now?
    My Herb Ritts Fred with Tyres print.

  11. Have you seen anything strange lately?
    Actually yes, a couple of things during my walk. Firstly one of the black swans was either moulting or was having some sort of wardrobe malfunction feather-wise, because it was surrounded by four or five big long feathers from (I think) the edge of it's wing. And because I have this thing about big solid bird feathers I went over and (after asking permission of said swan, who just looked at me and honked softly) took one of the feathers. White feathers... from a black swan (the bottom edge of their wings are white). Also, when I was crossing the weir there was this rat (or rat-like creature) that swam onto the string of floats they have across the river just before the weir. It cleaned it's little head, and sat there for a minute... then dived back under the water. It didn't swim, it totally dived out of view. I'm guessing it was actually a water rat, but it still startled me.

  12. If you could change ONE THING in this world, without regarding politics or bad guilt, what would it be?
    One thing in the world... not one thing to do with me personally? If we're going globally, I'd get rid of organised religion.

  13. Do you like dancing?
    Yes, yes I do. Have I been dancing of late, no I have not. Although I think the next time J is back in town and somebody or other asks me if I'm going to go out with them, I might just say yes.

  14. What do you want your children’s names to be, girl/boy?
    Having absolutely and utterly no urge to reproduce whatsoever (or be any other kind of parental unit), I've never really given it that much thought. I like Jack, Christopher or Tyson/Tyler for a boy... maybe Lilly, Katherine or Victoria for a girl (and the last one is only because that's theoretically what my name would have been had I been a girl).

  15. Would you ever consider living abroad?
    Depends where abroad I guess... America or the UK, sure... anywhere else, maybe not.
Current Mood:

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