
less interesting saturday adventures

broken chairOh yay... my computer chair is all broken and stuff... just this very second (more or less).

Not like the picture obviously... but the place where the back attaches to the arm, the screws dropped out and there doesn't seem to be a way to put it back together. So I'm a world of "correct posture" right now... which I'm sure is going to kill my back later.

Actually it's kind of been on the way out (the chair, not my back) for a while now... I've had the chair for what seems like forever (slightly less time than I've had a computer... so, maybe only half of forever... some time in the late 1990's), and it's been a good and faithful chair... and now it's craptastical.

Yay... not.

Okay, so where was I?

We didn't do a whole lot of anything today... well... lots of retail randomness, but that's about it.

One thing that did strike me as odd... we'd gone to look at a bunch of DVDs that were on sale, and which they had a lot of stuff still left, a lot of the stuff I wanted wasn't there... particularly two Jerry Lewis movies, The Geisha Boy and The Family Jewels, were completely gone... not just in that one store, but EVERYWHERE in the state (I asked the girl behind the counter about them). Now I realise that Jerry Lewis isn't the coolest person to admit to liking, but I remember both of those movies from when I was a kid and they haven't played them on teevee or anything for years and years. And maybe everybody else who bought them was like me and remembered them fondly from their youth too... or maybe, you know, lots of French people invaded the state to buy them. Seemed strange to me, but then, what do I know.

I just ended up picking up a bunch of random sci-fi instead...

Hi, my name is Yani... I have a DVD movie addiction...

Scuse me for a second while I remove the wonky back of my chair and turn it into a slightly more usable, if uncomfortable, stool...

Okay... back now...

Anyway, after that we decided to wander aimlessly around town for a bit and ended up going into David Jones, which we normally don't do and discovered some things from the Whatever It Takes range of cups and plates... I will admit that I've never actually heard of this range before, but the stuff we saw were cups and plates with artwork designed by various stars to raise money for a variety of charities. It turns out that somebody that Ma works with has a partner who's nuts about David Bowie, and he has both a cup and plate in the range, so Ma picked them up for said workmate (after calling her to tell her about them).

Hey, I said it was a true story, I didn't say it was interesting...

Supposedly they'd only just gotten them in, but I wonder if they've had different ones in before or if this is the first time they've ever had any of the range in, because looking at the gallery of stars who have been involved, they've been doing this for a really long time.

Then, because we keep walking past it every week since we like to park in the nice cheap 20c carparks, we stopped off at the Migration Museum... as museum's go its not bad... a little small and perhaps a little bit too much reading stuff (I don't think either of us was really that much in the mood), but lots of interactive pull/push/move/press/open/slide bits and pieces... so, you know, worth seeing, but probably not somewhere we're ever going to need to go again... *grin*

Lord... not sure how long I'm going to be able to stomach this stoolchair... grrrrr...

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