Jezum H Crow... what a day!
As always we were out of the house by 8ish this morning and after the usual shoppingness we tried to pack in as much SALA stuff as we possibly could.
Which, I have to say, meant that we ended up seeing quite a bit of interesting yet slightly ordinary art... some of it more interesting and quite a bit of it quite ordinary.
Twelve different locations and or exhibitions and or installations in fact... unlike last time I don't know that I had any grand favourites... I liked a little bit here and a little bit there but nothing really blew my mind.
Of course that could be because I'm a little knackered and I've seen SO much stuff today, and I'm possibly a little buzzed on caffeine, since it makes up the majority of the liquid I've had to drink today.
I have to say that I was a little unimpressed when we stopped for coffee and muffins at Tin Cat Cafe... now we've been there a ton of times before today, but we've only ever looked at the various artwork they have scattered about the place and then legged it, we've never stopped and sat down... I have eaten there once some time ago... for my birthday one year in fact, and it was nice... a little expensive and overly chi-chi-la-la... but nice. But today... good lord... I mean seriously... you make somebody an iced coffee and how hard it is to put a muffin on a plate and bring said plate out to the table at the same time as the coffee... or, you know... right after. Today however, we got our coffees and we waited... and we waited... and we waited... and it's not like they were rushed off their feet... they just weren't doing anything... and it was only when the guy that was working there came back inside from wherever he'd been that I caught his eye and he asked me if everything was okay or whatever... and even after I said we were waiting on muffins, it still took him about FIVE MINUTES to sort himself out. Seriously... get plate, put muffin on plate, add fork, serve to customer... what's so freakin complex about that!?
Okay, rant over...
Oh, wait, that's not true...
On Thursday I featured the work of SALA participant Eddie Major (who emailed me yesterday to say hey and thanks for the feature, how cool is that!)... and I'd planned to go and take a look at his stuff this afternoon, since the pub it was featured in was open, according to the SALA guide, from 11am to 4am... so, you know, basically we had all day to get our act together. So we rock up at the pub, find a carpark nearby, head over... and the whole place is locked up tight as a drum! Turns out they only open from 6pm because of Winter or some nonsense... people, you're a PUB... and you aren't open on a Saturday afternoon because? Okay, so you're in the useless part of town that seems to completely shut down over the weekend... but still!
So it turns out the one thing I really wanted to see today, I didn't get to see... *pout*...
I did have Ma bring down her vacuum cleaner this morning, because I figure when I start poking the dust bunnies with my toe and picking them up to throw them in the bin, it might be time to vacuum again. What? I barely have room for all the stuff I already own, let along a big ol' vacuum cleaner. Anyway, we moved all the furniture around, vacuumed the carpet, and everything looks nice and spick and span... well, you know, mostly... also changed over my last "regular" light bulb to the long life curvy fluro kind (actually we did two of them last week, but the one here in the bedroom wasn't bright enough, so we swapped that one over with a new brighter one and put the less powerful one in the bathroom...
And after the big bout of domesticity, we headed out to grab something for dinner and ended up at the very nice lesbian owned burger bar, Burger It!, which I've mentioned before, and which never fails to give good viddles. Okay, maybe the fries are a little over salty (can I get some water here?), but the burgers are delish.
So now I've been on the go for what seems like forever... I've actually been up for twelve hours, and out and about for maybe ten... and, to coin a phrase, I'm simply buggered darling!
I think I might go collapse on the couch for a bit now...
Current Mood:

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