This one I stole from
the ever-lovely Tom... and for the record Tom, I pronounce it "Me-Me"...
- What's your name spelt backwards? Inay... okay, technically that's not my REAL name spelled backwards... but you're not going to catch me out that easily!
- What did you do last night? Ummmm what did I do? Lets see... watched pointless teevee (Time Team, Simpsons, then a lot of channel flicking followed by First Tuesday Bookclub, and I'm embarrassed to say, Extreme Makeover)... I also made burgers for dinner and talked to a seemingly okay guy online.
- The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? I think it was some random images I found during the morning's blog roll troll.
- Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Not that I remember.
- Last time you swam in a pool? July 8...
- What are you wearing? Right now, my "walking" teeshirt and Bonds trunk underwear (what? I haven't gotten around to having my shower yet)
- How many cars have you owned? Three... the 1977 mustard yellow Corolla, the 1977 (I think) kermit green BMW and my current 1999 silver Daewoo Lanos.
- Type of music you dislike most? I'm not generally fussed on Country/Western... or Australian rap... or most of the other kinds of rap... or anything that's trying to be too amelodic and "different"...
- Are you registered to vote? Yes.
- Do you have cable? Nope.
- What kind of computer do you use? It's light beige and it makes the internet happen... what more do I need to know? Actually it's not any kind of brand, I had it "custom made" by a little computer company a friend of mine knew.
- Ever made a prank phone call? Not that I can remember right at this moment, but you never know.
- You like anyone right now? I very seldom like anyone.
- Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Probably not, no.
- Furthest place you ever travelled? Melbourne.
- Do you have a garden? Not my own personal garden, no. There's a communal mess out the front, but I wouldn't exactly call it a garden.
- What’s your favourite comic strip? Zits.
- Do you know all the words to the national anthem? All the words? No, I don't think so... I do know surprisingly more than I thought I did when I just sang it to myself though. I would say I know pretty much the whole first verse, but after that, no idea.
- Shower, morning or night? Morning all the way baby! Okay, so I haven't had one YET... but it's still morning.
- Best movie you’ve seen in the past month? If we can stretch the definition of "month", then I'd have to say Transformers, even though technically it was like a month and a week ago.
- Favourite pizza toppings? Either supreme (and the addition of both olives and anchovies are fine) or ham and pineapple.
- Chips or popcorn? Yes. If I had to choose then probably chips... just because you can eat all of them and you usually end up with those little hard inedible bits left over in popcorn.
- What cell phone provider do you have? Optus.
- Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Errrrr.... is this what the kids are into these days... with the iPods and the MySpace and the smoking peanut shells? That would be a big no.
- Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No, thank god!
- Orange Juice or apple? Orange. Quality juice, not from concentrate!
- Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? That would probably be Ma last weekend.
- Favourite chocolate bar? If we're talking general, everyday chocolate bars then it would have to be a Pollywaffle. But I also have a weakness for Haighs Cappucino Bars.
- Who is your longest friend and how long? People don't tend to stick around for that long... and anybody who could have been in the running isn't around anymore... so we'll just skip over this one and keep going...
- Last time you ate a home-grown tomato? Lord... I have no idea... probably a very long time, at least since I knew it was home-grown.
- Have you ever won a trophy? Yes... at Camera Club (and the SAPF competition too actually).
- Favourite artist? Awww... c'mon, don't ask me stuff like that... what kind of artist? Photograher? Painter? Sculptor? I can't really say I have any "favourites"... I like what I like coz I like it, not because of who made it.
- Favourite computer game? For an actually game played on the computer (thus discounting Sims, because it's a lot of things, but I don't believe it's a "game") I would have to go mucho retro and say Lemmings (the original one from back in the early 90's).
- Ever ordered from an infomercial? Errrr... no. Thought about it, but never done it.
- Sprite or 7-UP? Sprite probably...
- Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? An actual, "everybody looks the same" uniform? No.
- Last thing you bought at a store? Well the absolute last thing I bought was yesterday and that was two bread rolls (for my burgers last night), a cheese and pineapple roll and an Iced Coffee.
- Ever thrown up in public? In public as in, in front of lots and lots of people, then no.
- Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? Millionaire thank you... seriously, bring it on.
- Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
- Can exes just be friends? Can they? Probably... Should they? I never think so.
- Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? God, that is a good question... the last one that I actually remember would be Ma, but that's a couple of years back now.
- Did you have long hair as a young kid? Well it was the 70's... but no, not really.
- What message is on your voicemail machine? Lord knows... I never call it. Something lame about leave your name and number blah blah blah...
- Where would you like to go right now? Can I use my stock answer of "anywhere but here"?
- What was the name of your first pet? Beauty (a budgie)
- What kind of backpack do you have, and what’s in it? I have a little orange Adidas backpack... and I don't think there's a hell of a lot of anything in it at the moment, since I think that I moved everything over to my big blue messenger bag when I was working.
- Last incoming/outgoing call on your phone? Some random woman called me yesterday, but it turned out to be a wrong number.
- What is one thing you are grateful for today? That I actually managed to tape Torchwood last night... what? You weren't expecting something deep were you?
- What do you think about most? Right now that would be finishing the meme so I can go and have a shower. Also different ways to kill my neighbours, particularly the upstairs ones.
Current Mood:
1 comment:
Ever Lovely? *blush* LOL
I'd forgotten about Lemmings. I used to love that! *Off to see if there's a mac version online somewhere*
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