In this level of hell, all you would be allowed to do all day every day is fill out Governmental job applications... or, more precisely "make a claim against the criteria of a job and person specification addressing the essential person specification requirements"...
Somebody shoot me now!
I found this very groovy sounding job in the paper over the weekend with one of the government departments, and it sounds like something I could do... some graphic design, some editing and producing publications, some web site development... so I grabbed the J&P from their website and I've spent the last, I dunno, feels like 72 hours, but I'm sure it's not more than a couple of hours going through it and "addressing the requirements".
Twenty five different "requirements" and I have to make a little spiel about each and every one of them saying what part of my past experience means that I can do it.
"During my time with XYZ I gained a vast amount of knowledge relating to (copy and paste the main point from the criteria question) and believe that this gives me blah blah blah blah. "
Please shoot me!
Do I think I could do the job if they gave it to me? Yeah probably... at least eventually...
Do I think they'll give me the job? I dunno, I'm not sure I sound good enough on paper...
Do I think they'll give me an interview? Oh lord knows...
Do I think I'll actually get around to finishing said job application? Hmmmm... well, I'm going to give it my best try...
I think I'm done for the time being, but I'd like to get it finished before the end of the week so I can send it to my former boss and get him to take a look at it before I send it in... and luckily it doesn't have to be in before the end of next week... so we'll see...
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