However, my brain, being the evil creature that it is, decided to entertain me for an hour with a fairly effective combination of memory and "what-if" about my former flatmate, Ludo, that was both arousing and fairly disturbing... I mean, you get naked and sweaty with someone ONCE and your brain never lets you forget about it... course it didn't help that the actual incident was both memorable and also something that I'd wanted to happen for a long time... we just won't mention the fact that I don't even like him anymore, let alone find him attractive...
This morning's trip down memory lane wasn't quite a dream, I think it might have started out like that, since there's a bit from the beginning that I don't remember anymore, but then it just segwayed into the "porn" section, as dreams do, but by that point it wasn't really a dream anymore. I mean I was fairly aware that I was having this parade of images run through my brain, some actual, some completely invented by my highly imaginative mind, but I wasn't quite awake either, which is probably why I just let my brain taunt me.
But once my brain had run out of ideas and just kept running the same scene over and over again (which involved the only place in the apartment Ludo and I shared that I never actually had sex... the balcony), I decided it was time to give up and get out of bed, since I was pretty much awake by that point anyway.
And Saturday morning teevee wasn't any kind of distraction, between Rage, the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, Thunderbirds and the new mangafied and bastardised version of Transformers, and it was too early (ie still dark) to actually do anything constructive like washing the dishes (since I refuse to put any lights on in the morning), so I gave up and came to blog my dream...
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