
photo friday: rock

black rockToday's Photo Friday is in honour of the fact that today was Rockchick's last day at work... which is something of a mixed blessing... if she wasn't going away, I wouldn't have her job, but it's not going to be quite the same without her.

I wasn't loving myself quite so sick today... don't get me wrong, it was still a good day, but I get the feeling that yesterday was one of those "special planetary alignment days"... and you only ever get a finite number of those.

Having said that, not very much that was noteworthy happened today...
  • It was Rockchick's last day as I said...
  • Spent most of the day doing time consuming yet not overly interesting things...
  • Made myself some nice chicken kebabs with rice and a baby corn, mushroom and capsicum stir fry for dinner...
  • Bought one of those high-top apple pies that I've been drooling over for months for dessert...
  • Marc dropped by very, very briefly to return a DVD he borrowed (and points for him that he returned it sooner than he said he would and I didn't have to chase him about it)...
  • I'm not sure which portion of tonight's dinner isn't sitting right (I'm guessing it's either the chicken or the pie, or both), but something is disagreeing with me somewhat...
Not thrilling, but welcome to my life...

Current Mood:

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