I didn't realise that it was actually over three months ago that I went to dinner at her place (although we have been working together now for the last two months, so I guess that makes sense)... but ever since then I've "owed" her a dinner... and we worked out last week that the only time we were both going to be free was today...
So from when I got up this morning, it's all felt like preparation... I got out of bed, did some bits and pieces, then threw on some shorts and made with the tidying and the sorting out and getting the place in some semblance of readiness for company...
The last thing I did in the cleaning/sorting arena was to take down the white star lights and put up the new blue lights... and I say Woo to the Hoo! Eight settings, probably about half of them could be seizure inducing, especially now that it's dark in the living room... but fortunately there is a "static" setting (or something similar, I can't be bothered going to look), so I'm not going to be flopping around on the carpet frothing at the mouth (you know, any more than normal anyway).
Then in the back of my mind all day long was the thought of cooking a real live actual meal on a Sunday... normally it's not something I do, either I have leftovers from whatever randomness I had for lunch, or I end up having little bits of stuff that isn't really a meal, but I can't remember the last time I cooked something on a Sunday.
It all worked out perfectly well though... I made Chicken with Tomato and Mango Relish, which is always a winner. I did have to stop myself getting started with it too early though, everything was prepped and ready to go a good 45 minutes before Rockchick was due to arrive, and the dish only takes like 15 minutes tops (and in the end, she was perfectly on time and the food was ready just as she arrived, so it all worked out).
Actually it was really nice to see her... I know I only saw her on Wednesday, but it's been a very, very, very busy three days, and it was good to catch up.
Plus, she got a waffle maker for Christmas, so she brought that and we made waffles for dessert... yum!
Basically we sat around, had dinner, chatted, she made waffles, we watched Rocky Horror (which was the reason for the schedule crunch, since she's going interstate to see the stage version, and wanted to see the movie again before she went... although she did confess after it was over that she didn't think she'd ever seen the movie all the way through before, just multiple viewings of the first part) and that was about it.
And obviously there's a rock theme going on with today, because I'm currently being assaulted by random music that keeps wafting in and out of hearing (which means it could be anywhere from the end of the street to somewhere near the city)... it's not enough to be able to hear what it is, but the drum beat keeps coming through, and I'll just say that I'm not a fan...
Current Mood:

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