Then I seemed to get nothing of real substance done today... I did a lot of little piddly things, but nothing worth mentioning. And of course when I was under a desk trying to plug in a computer (not mine), that was the precise moment that the land agent chose to rang to tell me that my landlord is a pointless wanker... but I knew that already, so I just yelled (kinda, not really, more like put on my Bossy Prissy Pissy Pants hat) at the poor schmuck on the phone for a bit and all I ended up with was feeling cranky and sweaty (from the climbing under the desk, not the phonecall... kinda). I will say this though, this fight isn't over yet... I will get what I'm entitled to
And now I have a headache. A "please die now you useless excuse of a human being" headache...
Mumble mutter... Unconscious Mutterings...
- Road trip :: America
- Pool hall :: Hoodlums
- Extraordinary :: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- Jackson :: Janet
- Heartfelt :: Thanks
- Wet :: Wet Wet
- Strangle :: Neck
- .com :: Boom/Bust
- Touched :: By An Angel
- Insipid :: Colour

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