
could be worse

it could be worseIt's not been the best day ever...
  • I got rained on during my walk this morning...
    Could be worse, at least I had my umbrella with me!

  • There was a traffic jam on the bus route into town (caused by a 4wd hitting the back of a bus and blocking one lane of traffic) which meant that I didn't get to work as early as I wanted to...
    Could be worse, at least it wasn't my car!

  • I only have two more days to get the website I'm working on done and dusted...
    Could be worse, at least I'm getting paid (and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it done in the allotted time)!

  • The in-seam of my work pants ripped this afternoon (and I'm not sure if I'll be able to find the style I like anymore)...
    Could be worse, it is only the stitching, not the fabric, so maybe I can get them sewn up if I can't find new ones!

  • I never got that phone call (stupid slack people who annoy me with their slackness)...
    Could be worse, anyway tomorrow would have worked better for me (not that that's going to happen either)!

  • I'm going to have to call my land agency next week (if not sooner)...
    And you know what... I can't actually find an upside to that (other than "at least I have a house")...
Ah, well... could be worse...

Current Mood:

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