
unconscious mutterings 319

Woohoo... Adelaide Cup Day public holiday... and double woohoo since it comes between two different bouts of work, so it actually feels like a public holiday...

And then there's Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Mourning :: Veil (hello, how gay am I?)
  2. Approval :: Cheque
  3. Lotion :: "It rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again."
  4. Perspire :: "Horses sweat, men perspire and ladies merely glow!"
  5. Language :: Foreign
  6. Defection :: Russian
  7. Play :: Ground
  8. Graphic :: Device
  9. Spicy :: Hot 'n'
  10. In love :: Fairytale

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

OMB!!! That's Oh My Blog! I think I might have actually seen you in the flesh this morning. Well, from a side/back on kind of view. Were you wearing a yellow t shirt with your dark grey track pants whilst walking around the Torrens at about 7:55 this morning??? If so, did you stop near the boat sheds/gym to take a photo of something against the side of the wall??? I really think it was you, but I could only see you from the back. Not that I've ever seen your face on the blog, but I just reckon it was you. All the people I was with up near the BBQ couldnt underdstand why I was going crazy. Whoops sorry. Didnt mean to get all stalkery. Just excited that I saw someone famous. Take care! Liz

yani said...

Maybe... :P

No, that was me, guilty as charged. And the weird thing is that I noticed the people you were with (I only remember seeing guys though) and wondering what the hell they were doing.

Adelaide is a small world after all...

Tom said...

Oooo... stalkers! You've hit the big time! :)

yani said...

I know... it's equally exciting and creepy... :P

I kid Liz... honest :)

Anonymous said...

I promise I'm not stalking. It was a team building breakfast, and I sure as heck didnt want to be there on a public holiday!!! I tell the truth when I say that I've only ever really stalked one person in my life and they were a TV celebrity interstate. I researched them and everything. Although, with Google Earth it's probably much easier now......