No, neither did I until I got to work this morning...
Turns out I'm working on the same floor as I was during the Gardener Analogy... but fortunately reporting to a different person and working on a totally different website (although I am sitting very close to where I was last time, and I think it's all part of the same team).
And the website is probably in about as good a condition as the other one was the last time I worked in that section. I spent all of today "preping the soil", taking apart what was already there, unpacking it and getting it into some semblance of order before I do "the hard stuff".
I'm not entirely sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way I passed from being "a temp who can do websites" to "a website and information architecture expert"... and I don't really know how it happened.
Yes, I do know what I'm doing, and I'm pretty good at it... and yes, I try and make sure that each website that I work on conforms to good IA procedures and matches all the other ones that I've worked on... but somewhere along the way I became this great and shining expert.
Don't get me wrong, I quite like it, at least it means that I can essentially tell them all the things that are wrong with what they plan to do, and it gets listened too... now THAT I like...
Speaking of things that I like... I very much liked still having my access card from when I was last there... and my computer access and email still worked, so I liked that too... I also liked the fact that the computer I'm working on seemed to remember me from the last time I was on that floor, and I didn't have to go in and format either my email or my printers (or else the people in IT have actually gotten off their asses and done it so that it happens automatically when you log in, which would be nice). I wasn't as thrilled about the roughly 70 emails that had piled up in my Inbox, but they were quickly dealt with.
The other thing that I quite liked, even if it did turn out to be INCREDIBLY distracting at various points throughout the day is that the fellow Friend of Dorothy I ran into a couple of times on the same day late last year turns out to work two desks over from where I am... I know, I know, who the hell remembers these things other than me... but there he was, being just as gay as gay could be. I'd say it was some sort of sign from the Universe, but it's Adelaide and it's that particular building, it was bound to happen sooner or later (and at least I know he's a FoD, rather than just suspecting). On the down side, he actually works for a completely different unit, so it's not even like there's any natural conversational crossover. Although we did have a brief conversation about, of all things, the weather just before I left. I'm not reading anything into it though.
And speaking of the weather... it's freakin raining... yaaay. We haven't had proper rain like this (well, rain that requires an umbrella) for ages. I did discover on my way home that my very groovy bag-sized umbrella will probably have the lifespan of a hamster (how long do hamsters live anyway?)... cute, but not very sturdy...
So, yeah, that was my day... annoying in parts, but appropriately occupied...
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