
time flies

time flies and other platitudesI've had one of those days...

When you look at it logically, I haven't done a damn thing pretty much all day, and the day still seems to have disappeared without me noticing...

However, this morning I helped a website track down the missing images in it's collection... actually that's pretty much what I was doing all morning. The tracking down was easy, it was the resizing and emailing that seemed to take forever. No, scratch that... it actually DID take forever.

It was nice actually, because it's a website that I used to spend a lot of time on (or rather it's the newly resurrected version of that website, since the previous version fell apart due to "lack of admin"), and some of the people involved with this new version are people I knew pretty well (at least in an interwebz capacity).

Then I went and got some lunch, blah blah... and sat down to watch the Alien Resurrection Special Features disc that I got yesterday. And while I love how much stuff they pack onto the Special Editions of the Alien movies, that happily consumed most of the afternoon (which is my own fault entirely, I know).

But then after some other random faffing about, it's suddenly getting dark, and I seem to have lost my whole Sunday with nothing much to show for it. Of course, that wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't working next week... but since I know I'm going to be there for a good long while now, I kind of feel like I should make my days off count for something. I'm sure I'll get over that in a couple of weeks...

Now I just need to sort myself out for work... and maybe have some kind of dinner...

Current Mood:

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