
supposed kinda dinner party thing

j's dinner party was nowhere near this fancy smancyOkay... it's around 7:20am as I type this... I walked in my front door after driving home from J's place at around about 6:45am...

This means that I've been up and awake for more than 24 hours, and I'm not actually that sleepy (but I am having a tiny bit of trouble keeping things in focus for long periods of time right now), although I will probably hit the wall around 3pm and nod off...

I didn't mean to stay out the whole damn night, it just kind of happened that way.

Basically J had the house to himself this weekend... his Parental Units were away in the country somewhere, his little brother was off getting laid at his girlfriend's house, his sister is in America, so we were all alone... okay, so there was five of us, but you know what I mean. And it wasn't even the people that I thought it might have been. Instead of me, J, S and J2 it was actually me, J, a different S, J2 and M... which didn't make it the worst dinner party I've been to at J's, but probably not the best one either. And then because his "caterer" was away (ie, his Mum) we had to make do with Chinese takeout. Not bad, but really, it was what it was, and even the best Chinese takeout is still Chinese takeout.

So let's sum up... the company was okay, but not great (the one person I probably wanted to see more than any of the others couldn't actually come)... the food was okay, but not great... and I was fairly certain around the time that I rocked up that we wouldn't be going off anywhere after the whole dinner party thing... so even though I wore a teeshirt that could have doubled as a "going out" top, and I'd thrown my sneakers in the car with me "just in case", I didn't need to have bothered.

And then everybody left J and I within quick succession at around 11:30 or so... so no dancing for me...

Okay, technically that's not true, J was more than happy for just the two of us to go off and do our groove thing, but by that point I wasn't really up for it anymore. And I really was more thinking of a crowd of people...

So what did J and I do instead that took up the majority of the night?

Well firstly we decided to make appropriate use of some of the things I'd given him for Christmas... namely the sparklers... but of course that didn't mean just lighting them and waving them around like any normal person... oh, no... it meant J being J and crumbling all the sparklers off the wires and collecting it all in a tin so we could set the whole thing off as one big scary overly bright "explosion".

But we were at least partially responsible, and took a quick drive down to the beach with a bucket to bring back sand to dig the little tin into so we were at least a bit shielded... and we had a bucket of water standing by, just in case, and we stood well back... but still, kids, don't try this at home.

It was both more and less impressive than we both kind of predicted it was going to be actually... very bright and whatnot, but nowhere near as tall as we thought it might be. What was kind of impressive and scary was both the amount of heat it generated, but also the glowing, thermonuclear sludge in the bottom of the tin once it had burned itself out... and the fact that while the tin didn't explode or melt, the metal did turn an interesting blue colour in places, one assumes from heating the metal.

So of course after that, since we'd both unleashed our "not terribly far from the surface juvenile pyromaniacs" we did way too much playing with fire and things that melt and things that make big flame, and overly elaborate rigs to produce same so we could stay well back from it just in case...

Sadly though I don't have any photographic evidence, since my camera decided to give out on me just before we were about to start... bummer that!

But we managed to kill a sizable amount of time messing around with things we shouldn't have been... which, once I'd assured myself we weren't actually going to blow ourselves up was actually really fun.

I probably should have scampered off home after we were done with that... but I didn't, and we ended up back in the lounge room playing our favourite game of "Talking Crap"... and I knew we'd been talking crap for a really, really, really long time, but when I finally looked at the time I realised that it was 5:30am... so I helped J hide, throw away and otherwise destroy all the evidence of our little psychotic science experiments and then got in the car to supposedly take myself home. But the sun was coming up, and I was right near Glenelg, and I figured the camera might have recovered enough to let me do something with it, so instead of going away from the beach, I went down to the Glenelg and took some photos... not many mind you, but a few. Of course today had to be the one day since possibly before Christmas that was actually cloudy, so the photos weren't as impressive as they perhaps could have been, but it just means I'll have to do it again another day.

So that was about it really... I stopped off and got some Strong Iced Coffee and a newspaper, and now all I need to do is manage to stay awake until this evening...

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

haha, sounds like you had a great night with the sparkles and all. sometimes i wonder why guys have a strong fixation on things that go bang and boom. sorta reminds me of back in the first years of high school where the science teachers dip a piece of sodium metal into a tub of water, and let it explode. all the guys would awe in amazement.


yani said...

Funnily enough the sodium metal thing got brought up at some point... but I couldn't actually remember what it was called, and the only thing I could think of was magnesium.

And I'm still awake... just... starting to struggle a little bit now...

Anonymous said...

wow yani, how long has it been since you've slept? around 30 hours or so? you need to get yourself some zzz's asap dear.


yani said...

Almost 37 hours actually... I'll be fine, if I don't go to sleep close to a "normal" time it will just screw up my sleep patterns for days and days...

That is if I don't pass out watching teevee later...

Anonymous said...

i know how you feel. i did my higher school certificate (nsw's counterpart to sa's certificate of education) just last year, and that totally screwed up my sleeping patterns for over 3 months. i was so sleep deprived that i kinda dozed off during my chemistry exam while i was writing, and rambled on for a while about a tv show i watched as a kid (i believe it was pokemon) before snapping back into reality. i think the longest period i spent awake during the hsc was 52 hours trying to read through and analyse jane austen's emma (which for the love of god i tried to read when i first got the book but i couldn't bring myself to do it). i'm rambling on again.
