
pirates curse strikes again

pirates are out to get me!Remember June last year when I attempted, in my infinite insanity, to buy Gold Class tickets online for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest... and how that all ended in tears because I left the ticket booking session alone for too long and it jammed those seats and I wasn't sure if I was going to end up with four tickets booked in my name or not...

Well the Pirate Curse is back this year for the final installment, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End... no, I didn't have a problem actually buying the tickets... that all went along swimmingly, I even got our "favourite" seats, D1 and D2... no, the drama came in afterwards when I called Ma and was telling her that they were booked for this coming weekend... as part of her birthday present and extended double weekend birthday celebration...

Only one small problem... her birthday is the week after next, not next week... so I've booked the tickets a week too early... *pauses and bangs head repeatedly on the wall beside him*...

Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid, stoopid, stoopid...

For some reason I'd gotten this weekend in my head as Weekend One... when, in actual fact, it's not really anything...

*bangs head some more*

And since the tickets for the correct weekend don't come out until next Friday (plus I don't know that they do changes or returns or swaps or whatever on Gold Class), we decided to leave them as they are...


I'm choosing to blame it on the "sick" headache I've had for most of the day... yeah, that will work...


Current Mood:

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